
Everyone always hates the part of the family reunion when Uncle Mike has one drink too many and starts yelling.

This is not the crazy drunk uncle we deserve but the one we need.

I read this in the voice of Louis C.K. and enjoyed it thoroughly. Thank you.

This post is so full of anger. Usually I scoff at such pent up aggression being unleashed, but this made me laugh. +1.

Oh Uncle Mike

I 2nd this

I dunno. They’ve been releasing the monkeys on the keyboards lately at Gawker. Hot takes and nonsense.

So so typical. Truth is the majority of guys have no complaint if a vagina is waxed smooth as a peach or just trimmed, some even like the full 70's wildnerness. Very very few guys will go through the effort of having a fight with their significant other over the issue. At most, when a guy’s lady suggests he shave his

Oh I forgot that I, the consumer, am the one responsible for properly shipping the product.

The phone is 5 years and 5 hardware revisions old as this point. This should come as no surprise to anyone.

‘Oh, that is great! we are really happy for her and totally support her!’ Said every tech bro ever.

If it’s novel and non-obvious, get a patent. If you can’t, prepare to be ripped off. The road of capitalism is littered with the rusting shells of companies that didn’t or couldn’t protect their innovations.

Who the fuck cares about the plastic bottles right now. Their immediate needs are more important. All that other crap isn’t going to solve their water needs in the immediate future. Even if Bill Gates donated $500,000,000 to fix the infrastructure it would take a lot of time and they need water.


And if Germany were so great, they would have invented those things there instead of coming here to do it.

lol fuck your kale

That underpowered phone that has better performance and battery life than its competitors?

Underpowered? Are you intentionally dumb? Apple phones trade blows with Samsung phones for the performance totem pole on a yearly basis...underpowered they are not...

Historically, Apple hasn’t tried very hard to appeal to bargain hunters…

Anyone who calls the iPhone an “underpowered” phone is beyond delusional. The A9 isn’t just the most powerful SoC in the industry, it’s near laptop class.