
You need to get out of your moms basement, take a shower (use soap this time) eat a vegtable and actually physically talk to another human today. This may be your last chance to reverse the course of your life.

No one has ever been killed in a hotel or hostel before. Not once. Not ever.

anyone had luck using bottle-cleaning beads on a bong?

anyone had luck using bottle-cleaning beads on a bong?

You know what? NO. As an adult, Xmas presents mostly suck. As an adult, Thanksgiving kind of sucks because you can’t pig out anymore without guilt (and maybe also heartburn and what have you). As an adult Halloween sucks because you don’t get to go get a bag of free candy like you used to, and if you do, it’s the same

So does that mean by shaming someone that believes gender is a binary, you’re oppressing them due to the biological inability of the brain to understand a fluid gender theory?

Logitech Performance MX.

Logitech Performance MX.

  • Apple Magic Mouse
  • Apple Magic Mouse

TLDR: I work for Adobe on Flash.

Interesting how many false assumptions you make in just two sentences. No, I don’t work for Shell - or any other oil company for that matter. As for supporting Shell, I haven’t done anything of the sort. I’ve been blatantly anti-hippie and pro-oil (you should note that being pro-oil doesn’t require supporting any one

Good point...and they might foul the props...didn’t think of that...

I don't support plowing thru them. Might damage the paint on the ship.

Yeah, I'm the asshole for advocating that hippies get a bath.

If I’m on vacation, I’m at the beach or the mountains. Not dangling from a bridge. But then I’ve never been into protesting. Especially not wasting PTO on it.

So what you’re saying is hipster douchebags.

that is a pipe dream. oil is money and money rules all. Drilling for oil will never stop until there is 0 demand, which will never happen because governments will not allow it. I promise you if sales of gas and diesel cars dropped tomorrow and sales of electric cars sharpy rose, every government would find a way to

Thanks for confirming that you’re a fucking moron . .

I get where you are going, but these people deserve a snarky comment or two.

And when they’re done they get out of their kayaks and jump into their SUVs.

You, sir, are what we call a dipshit.

Protests oil drilling using petroleum based plastic vessels.