
There is something inherently hilarious with someone being banned for breaking the law in an uber when you realize that pretty much all (unless an actual registered livery driver is using it) drivers on the service are breaking the law.


I think it is worth noting that Donald Trump is almost certainly not the next Hitler and that I generally find comparisons between Nazism, the Holocaust, and contemporary people and events highly distasteful and disrespectful of all those who lost their lives. There are exceptions of course. It is appropriate to

What’s this technology post doing here? I thought this was a left-wing political blog?

I never want to cheer for anyone getting hurt, and this guy may NOT be one of the douchey vapers that hang out in crowded areas vaping...

... aaaaaaand still nobody is going to buy them.

Thank you Gizmodo for letting us know that Microsoft still exists.

It’s been tested already by all the nice folks that are part of the public beta program. Not that it it means it will be perfect... 

Silicon Valley “big think” checklist:

Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

Stop trying to be Gawker or you’ll share their fate.

This is the correct answer to the problem. My property does not get to determine whether I live or die, not for orphans, not for priests, not for the president.

So, You want to tell me You have curfew in America due to some strong winds, and some reporter goes ape-shit, calling “crazy” and “dangerous” because of someone doing donuts on TOTALLY EMPTY road?

I have “real facial hair” — more, thicker, and faster growing than anyone I know. And this thing works fine. A big trim will spray hairs, just like any other electric. If you can’t contain or clean that up, do it in the shower.

I have “real facial hair” — more, thicker, and faster growing than anyone I know. And this thing works fine. A big

It's a piece of crap. Doesn't work for people with REAL facial hair. The hairs fly everywhere and it's takes really long because you have to constantly go over the same spots. Just use a real razor.

It's a piece of crap. Doesn't work for people with REAL facial hair. The hairs fly everywhere and it's takes really


Uh, you’re SUPPOSED to wait until the last moment and zipper-merge. YOU are the problem. Do some research. Search for “zipper merge”. You will see.

“mergers who drive all the way to the end of the merge lane and shove their way into nearly-stopped traffic”

On the other hand, those people who merge as soon as they see the merge sign are actually making traffic worse. You should learn how to zipper merge properly.

“Hey dude, did you hear? Some of Samsung’s flagship phones are literally blowing up. Crazy, huh?”