
I have a TextExpander snippet for “Did you use the promo code?”

I have a TextExpander snippet for “Did you use the promo code?”

You have a very good point there. But it’s still a clickbait type of title. I am still allowed to protest stupidity when I see it.

Who wouldn’t care? It just shows you what the world is coming to when people are choosing to miss out on all my selfies on their news feed. It’s a real disgrace. Here I am taking time out of my daily life to take selfies all day of my usual routine for my friends and then some unfriend me! HOW YOU GONNA KNOW WHAT

“Most of the community is made up of thoughtful people, and they can appreciate what we

As a prince fan I'm pissed. As a fan of wit, well done.

What’s with this sense of entitlement that artists feel ?? Fucking ridiculous. We get it. It’s tough being an artist. You wanted an easy life? Should have become an accountant. Wanted to make a guaranteed big pay cheque every month? Spend 8 years in school and become a doctor.

Don’t forget the S6 has better reception from your mom’s basement and has a louder ringtone for times when you have the volume turned way up on Warcraft.

But...I like my iPhone. I know this makes me a ridiculous idiot, but I just kind of prefer its user interface over that of an Android phone. I know at a whopping $0.00 more expensive than a Nexus 6 it is “overpriced,” but I just can’t help myself. Must have been all that Kool-Aid...

Stay in Toledo, hayseed. Also, go fuck yourself.

Reality, where you can beat your wife in front of your kid and have a stellar career to the admiration of millions, but if you share a stream of 1s and 0s with random strangers you’re a pirate. Yarrrrrr you kidding me?

IRC + Giphy = $$$

You...may not have the best grasp of how a lot of IT support jobs work. To be frank, you honestly sound like the kind of person whose from upper management and responds to new technical concepts in confusion and frustration, but I’ll admit that’s a bit of a reach, basing your technical knowledge on a single comment.

Use any iPhone that is 3 years old with the latest updates. It will make you want to smash that phone on the ground.

I have jailbroken and rooted many many phones and have never "destroyed" one. Even when you brick it, you can usually recover it. What SHOULD have been included is "Carrier Bloatware" or "Carrier customizations" or even just "Carriers".

The Globemaster doesn't want to be fed. It wants to hunt.

"In a move to counter falling sales, beleaguered smartphone maker Blackberry placed 3,500 phones in various locations in the US with the hope that they'd be stolen in an attempt to increase market share. Realizing the plan was a failure, they sent teams out to collect the phones only to find a further share drop when

Remember how all of the police agencies argued that tracking citizens car movements using Automatic License plate readers and video cameras was something that did not require a warrant because those were activities that happened in public and thus were not private?

Yeah that argument applies here. What is good for the

The *actual* best date format would be year/month/day, if we're really going to have that argument. It's the only date format that sorts properly without extra work.

Some asshats ruined everyone's day, and their name was the TSA