
Pro Reader is not free, shows up as 1.99.

Pro Reader is not free, shows up as 1.99.

WTF I have to tip these guys, too!?

Why are you comparing a show that runs every week, to a movie? Great, you liked the zombie movie. What do you do when the 2 hours is over? Watch it every Sunday? Stupid article is stupid.

No, but I'm sure you are full of shit and watch every damn episode. RELIGIOUSLY.

Here I thought the solution was going to be filling your USB ports w/ epoxy. Glad to see it isn't.

As horrible as Everclear is (and I'm not a giant U2 fan, either), there would be significantly less bitching about it if Windows did it. Guaranteed.

They admit they had to get out of there quickly because, if caught, they'd have to pay for the phone. Then upload their video to the internet where potentially millions of people, including law enforcement, will see what they did. It's nice to see the U.S. doesn't hold a monopoly on kids who are fucking idiots.

Can we go back to "it just works" now?

French fries and pizza? You're doing it wrong. Come up here to Canada, we know how to do it right. Poutine pizza.

High PPI = I don't see the difference nor really care.
USB/REMOVABLE STORAGE = It's 2014, welcome to the internet and cloud technology.
A Good OS = That's subjective. I like iMessage, AirPlay, and FaceTime over whatever google tries to mimic.

I want a phone that handles all applications smoothly, fits in my pocket, and

You must be on Android. Where twice the power gets you 75% of the performance of Apple.

And when you chose camera you still only look at the amount of MP.

My Tamagotchis starved to death when I was prevented from breast-feeding them in public.

Is calling people bad names supposed to make them feel bad about bad things that make them feel good?

There hasn't been a product on ThinkGeek I didn't like. That being said...

Make that 51 things.

Cortana, launch Chrome.

turn down (The racket) for what?

The irony of Giz criticizing a company for delivering news via snapchat should not be lost. LOL

I'm tired of talibans of [insert subject here] to tell me what's right and what's wrong. Fuck you and fuck what you think is right. Life is for living not to be an uptight asshat about whatever you think things should be. If something makes people hungry or horny or happy, that's fine. Go enjoy your stuff, let other