I mean, it’s obviously an inappropriate response
I mean, it’s obviously an inappropriate response
I understand it could have been accidental. But you do not get to tell other people how they should treat or value their property. And if you intentionally throw things at other people’s property, even a snowball, you’re being disrespectful. It’s not necessary, nor is it appropriate. How hard is it to just leave other…
Detroit and Seattle are very very far apart, in more ways than distance.
I’d be suspicious of the “bow” in the body. Almost looks like the frame may be giving way between the cab and bed.
Here’s to you, Don. Thank you for this absurd machine.
Seeing Road Atlanta and the events there before and after Panoz, the difference is amazing. I remember being stunned at the crowd of 40,000 at the first Petit Le Mans. Now well over 100,000 regularly attend. He was the best thing to happen to American road racing in the last 40 years.
This is the best solution, I would think. Clean what you can, get the current engine back together and drive the truck, adding oil as needed. In the meantime, source another engine, roll it into your living room and rebuild it there, where you can stay warm and dry and take your time. I would imagine a direct swap…
I didn’t realize what those little stuffed animals sticking out of the rear of bumpers meant until I Googled it, and **technically** they’re called “drift charms” but apparently in the United States having one hanging out of your rear bumper means you want to race. Yet every single car I’ve ever seen them hanging from…
This is very true. Of course I want a GTS ACR and their prices are just going to go up now... gotta save my pennies fast!
26 Years
And a petty one too. These weren’t exactly “cheap” cars back then. It was likely the most expensive thing on the lot, and he’s pissed because they wouldn’t let him mess with it with zero intention to purchase it.
You sure know how to hold a grudge.
A Viper has a hard enough time with traction when the full tire touches the ground. Can you imagine how deadly it would be with just a little patch in the corner of the tire touches?
Actually, this sounds like a great idea. Lets promote it. It will take care of the stance problem in short order.
INB4 the cheapest vipers get stanced, straight piped, with little bandaids covering bumper cracks, and some little stuffed animal hanging off the back bumper...
Did the CEO of BMW in 1974 have a cult of personality that worshipped everything he said?
I’m sorry, is that a dis on the 2002? You are now uncool...
I’m just happy they made it at all. They could have easily stopped with the base model in 1992 (like that stupid Prowler) but they went full ACR all the way through their bankruptcy proceedings. A hearty FU to Fiat for killing a car that still holds dozens of track records despite being a 26 year old platform from a…