Big X of Boulder

How many trucks are there with 4 doors, convertible and/or removable top, 4x4 w/ transfer case, full roll bars, removable doors, foldable windshield, and available w/ optional; manual, lockable diffs, electronic on/off antiroll bars, skid plates, rock sliders, steel bumpers, a soon to be available diesel,

Yup, your comment is spot on.

Uh, no. MSRP on a base trim 2020 Ford F150 XL SuperCrew (4 door) is $35,035. Not, $20,000. The MSRP on a base trim 2020 Jeep Gladiator Sport (all have 4 doors) is $33,545. This article and a number of the comments seem to be comparing 2 door base trim trucks to the Gladiator. To dig a bit more, this article feels like

One word. Senna.


“ Warned the kids not to touch the edges of the snowboards but did they listen?? No and they drew blood.

Wow, you’re right on about the under 50k pricepoint on v90s. Jeez, my wife would kill for a v90 T6 at that price!!!

Salvage Title. Hmmmmnope.

Oh Jalopnik, what (the eff) are we going to do with you? Y’all are *showing* your maturity and intent. Still it’s fun to read some of your posts. That all said, all hail the hoonmobile!!!! #viper4thewin #moparinthehizzy

Yup. ZERO INTENTION. Money talks mothaf*ckas.

Wow, that Edmunds review is quite damning! After reading that I’d strongly suggest to anyone interested in getting a Model 3 to just keep in looking for other better alternatives. #lemonlaw #nopenoteslaforme

Spot on comment! All of these super and hyper cars with 6 and 7 figure prices do nothing for the average car guy, other than make them dream with envy. Give me a working mans sports car any day, to drive and thrash. That’s what a sports car was meant for!!!!


Ooooooooooooh. Me likie!

Yup, like Tanneault, mad respect.

Whether this is real, that is, some dips*** had some numb**** tattoo it on his wrist, or simply, it’s a funny photoshop job, this has made me die a little bit inside :-/. #themanualgearboxpreservationsociety #youcanhavemystickwhenyoupryitfrommycolddeadhands

Hahaha, sad, but most likely true.

Bigly (sp?), it’s going to go BIGLY!!!

Yup, JayFra, your comment is spot on!

Agreed 110%!!!