They should’ve been fired immediately.
They should’ve been fired immediately.
I just want hospitals to deny treatment to anyone that refused a vaccine. Don’t want the prevention, you can’t have the cure.
How does smashing the windows of the capitol building and assaulting police with blunt objects and chemical agents not qualify as rioting? And how is breaking into Nancy Pelosi’s office and stealing her laptop not looting? Is it because the perpetrators were almost entirely white?
You sir, are a traitor. That unarmed woman that was shot was a traitor. All of them were and need to be held accountable and punished accordingly.
Unskilled work does not make one an unskilled worker. I know plenty of people with MBAs that had to work at fast food after the economy tanked in 2008. I know lots of people that are highly skilled that don’t like the work they are skilled in, so chose to take jobs that offer them more flexibility.
Happy new year, Raineyb. Your comments are always a better formulation and presentation of the positions I hold. You’re a gem. Thanks.
Jayson Taters and Jaylen Hashbrown are an exciting young duo
First of all he doesn’t have any workers or any skill; he doesn’t own anyone and would do well to remember that.
I am a man and this book seems interesting.
I began to be resentful of my husband, to feel suffocated.
I’m not sure there’s a strong basis for everything you’re saying-is it possible you’re filling in missing details on your own?
If we didn’t have a picture of the author I’d honestly wonder if this wasn’t a fake Dear Prudence style submission designed to test the tension Jezebel’s readership would face between recognizing how poorly this reads in terms of how they treated their husband but not wanting to drag a queer person going through a…
Gotta admit... found that a little strange myself, but purely because of the lack of context.
Is there any particular reason that you frame your husband as being some type of horrible villain, simply for having the audacity to (presumably) fall in love with you and ask you to marry him? Because he doesnt seem to have done anything wrong here, and there are a multitude of ways you could have told this story…
nasty calluses that would take a cheese grater to grind off.
Conservatives: Fashion is stupid, feminine, and ridiculous. Real men don’t worry about fashion.
Afflicting it exactly the right word. Ugh.
Almost as long as Robert Pattinson’s Batman movie.