Big Crank

Uggh - maybe because I’m older than some of the commenters here, but so-called safety razors suck. I’m sure they were an amazing advance over the throat-slitting straight razor, so awesome for late 1800s! We had to use these - there was no alternative. Then some genius invented the cartridge razor and we never looked

Uggh - maybe because I’m older than some of the commenters here, but so-called safety razors suck. I’m sure they

When I see someone wearing one of these, I don’t think “badass”, rather, something opposite like “tool”

I don’t know the answer, but according to Yahoo finance:

“Giving a presentation isn’t just standing at a podium reading a list.”

I believe this is the reason for the growth of EFTs. Since they are not managed, there is no fee associated with them. Like mutual funds, they follow a particular philosophy but the security does not buy and sell stocks. For example, Spiders (SPY) follow the entire S&P 500. It’s highly diverse, but since nothing is

Child #1: everything was boiled for full sanitization. This lasted 1 week. After that everything went into the dishwasher. Second child was lucky to get a washed pacifier - if it fell on the floor, I’d stick it in my mouth first.

Sorry, Public Utility Commission. Every state has one, and they issue the licenses allowing a utility to do business in the state. Before renewal time (7 to 10 years or so) these complaints are reviewed, and the company’s execs are questioned in a public hearing.

Think bigger. This same strategy works for car rentals & hotel rooms - after midnight, they are on the next day’s business. A hotel with vacancy will much more likely move on the price after 11:00 pm.

I once came home to find a large hole in my front lawn. There were cones & tape, but no note. I went around the neighborhood looking for the culprit, and found a nearby cable co. truck. I confronted the guy and he admitted to the deed, but said he”had the right” to dig up my lawn (utilities have easements) and it

For those who are reluctant to negotiate, simply asking. “Is this negotiable?” is a lifesaver. If the answer is “no”, you simply say “OK’ and continue your browsing. I have found that he typical answer is “well, it depends” which starts a whole new conversation.

My dad taught me this trick, I’ve been doing it for years. So weird, I never thought to mention this to anyone, and here it is in an article.

My best experience at Home Depot is when I was in full homeowner mode and went in for a new water heater, as specified by my plumber. Another shopper saw how I looked with my new purchase and asked me what I charged to install one at his house too. I was confused at first, but then I realized he mistook me for a pro

Unlikely. What would Sprint do with all of the 2 year-old smartphones otherwise? I can’t imagine they want them at all.

Before I got older and actually needed them, I had a pair of glasses with clear lenses that did not effect my vision. Puting them on effectively put me in the “time to work” mindset.

I don’t own a steam cleaner, but I do have an oven with a self-cleaning feature. I put the racks in the oven and clean 2 for the price of one!

The same manufacturer also makes a $25 - $30 verson called the Thermopop. I love mine. Takes about 5 seconds vs. 1-2:

I will definitely try this, as I’ve been looking for additional uses of “vegetable remainders” other than soup stock, which is my go to. Speaking of, made an excellent matzo-ball soup with vegetable stock instead of chicken (to accommodate a vegetarian guest) and I prefer it.

I have done this many times, mostly over an open fire during camping. It impresses everyone because it seems so counterintuitive. Just make sure you are on fully lit coals, so even cooking and no ash. If you think about it, it is the ONLY way to get a perfect sear - plus you get serious culinary bad-ass points.

I rented a Chevy from a major rental company last week. The transmission felt a little unruly but I chalked it up to an unfamiliar car. The oil warning came on that said I had less than 5% life left and should change the oil real soon. I was starting to worry the car would not make the 45 minute journey. When I

Question: “What’s your greatest weakness?”