Big Crank

I've been enjoying everyone's "best guac" recipes, so I'll share a trick I learned that was a major time saver: I make pico de gallo with tomato, onion, jalapeno & lime juice, then refrigerate for a few hours. Delicious by itself, but to make even a small batch of guacamole, just add the appropriate amount to mashed

Many elite cyclists use a product called Skratch. It used to be called SDM (secret drink mix) and it was well known that athletes sponsored by "other companies" would dump it out and use this stuff instead. It isn't cheap, but it's all natural and it WORKS! They make products for everyday hydration when not at the

This is so useful and timely. I was looking to replace my 2004 CLK and was hoping for another Mercedes.

Here's a thought: When asshole was cleaning his car with the squeegee, that's when you approach. "Hi, you look familiar. Oh I know, I served you dinner tonight. What's going on?" you ask innocently. AH tells you sad story. "Why not use the car wash? you ask. AH comes up with excuse. You offer to pay for the car

From their FAQ:

This is also a great solution for people who can't eat bread, like those who will be celebrating Passover. has jlab premium earbuds today for $3 each, $4 if you want the mic built in

Previous owner used graphite on all the hinges - what fun cleaning up all the black marks all over the doors and walls.

I work in an office too. Outside of the pen, notebook and smartphone, I don't know what else I need here. I do need my laptop, phone charger, extra battery, cables, water bottle, snack, headset, cordless mouse, etc. Bluetooth ear thingy? no, just no.

OK, I know this was about PowerPoint alternatives, starting with the assumption that PowerPoint is a) expensive and b) hard to use.

Gosh, it's below freezing outside, think I'll have me some ice cream too!

I followed the instructions above:

I followed the instructions above:

Pelonis PF-1212

Pelonis PF-1212

When I get this question, I assume you don't want me and are looking for an excuse to pass on me. Coaches give this (admittedly questionable) advise for exactly this reason. Here's some advice for you, probably something you might have been told around age 2: "ask a stupid question, expect a stupid answer".

Wouldn't it make more sense to put the filter on the intake side of the fan rather than the output side - to keep it cleaner?

But the sign is written in large, capital letters. It's scary.

The dude in the video seemed a little too smooth-talky. Could he snap while working under my sink?

That is a sweet saw! I have a more simple compound miter saw, but I wonder how many homeowners have one that does bevel angles, swings left or right, slides, etc? I would love some instruction on more common tools that make the cuts even more difficult to make.

Not being difficult here, but aren't you describing French Toast?