Big Cam

It looks a lot like Faxe.

How the hell am I suppose to watch Top Gear now!

Just goes to show, you can secure your phone all you want, but if someone really wants in, they are getting in.

I would love to see this in video form.

Arrrrgggh, why does the 32GB Micro SDHC card have to be sold out.

I agree, there is more black than camo.

Those lightsabers start fire to wood instantly.

A time and age when Sandra Bulllock was young and hot.

All that crap is lame compared to LEGO's, my future child will have and most likely love LEGO's.

This is why I generally hate people, we are so inconsiderate by nature.

Can anyone say photoshop?

Or from a boot.

That;s pretty low.

I use the same solution, also interested to see if this actually works.

When can I expect my 4K display on my cell phone?

I guess I should have elaborated. I said that because it seemed like when you bought the TV you only cared if it had 1080p for the rare occasion that you hook it up to your computer. Where I would want 1080p for Blu-Ray movies, HD gaming, HD programming on Netflix/Hulu. That's what I was getting at. You made it sound

Perks of the job, if they are in a position that allows them to access this kind of information while on the job, then they are entrusted with not sharing that information or using it maliciously. As long as they aren't doing that, it doesn't matter if they look at it.

Thank you.

Great explanation.