Big Cam

Yes, I'm 6'4" and I've put over 100 miles on my friends 2017 grom. I'm picking one up as soon as the snow melts next year. Also so you know I'm not crazy, I've owned a Honda xr200 when I was a teenager, a Kawasaki kx250 during college, then a Suzuki Bandit 600,and finally a Yamaha R6. The most fun I've ever had on a

So what you meant to say was Tesla driver was not held at gunpoint, but the cops simply walked up calmy and asked a question. Gizmodo and it’s affiliates are getting out of hand with their misleading titles.

This makes my heart happy. IN a few months the Amazon show will crush this in ratings and the BBC will be kicking themselves. I love sweet justice.

Wait, they had fast charging in 2001? Looks like we are the suckers.

I agree with you 100%, the two party system sucks. but for me for right now, Obama is the best choice in my very uneducated (in terms of politics) eyes.

LOL, OMG, I was thinking the same thing. I would love to hear the translation.

Well based on this one action, this re-affirms that Obama has my vote again. Please note I was planning to vote for him anyway, but just to head off some of the crazy comments that I'm sure are going to follow my semi-political statement, which is not meant to be a political spark to an argument.

This guys handwriting killed me.

I find it ironic that the article is brought to us by Blackberry yet there are no Blackberry's mentioned in the leak. Too bad, BB used to be awesome.

That made me slightly nauseous. Todays kid's are dumb.

That also had me confused, are the scientists overseas somewhere?

I bet this is a show to make us all think they can't do it, then in a few years they will activate Skynet.

Better yet, this DOES fit in a standard box. (EDIT: Granted it can't charge the ipad unless it's in sleep mode, but that's it's only downfall.

Unfortunately that won't help in the US, since we can't drink on the streets. unless you're in Vegas and no one is recycling on the strip, at least not the people drinking.

Pretty painless.

Ya, I call BS.

Great thread Jesus, it's great to hear you guys discussing something like all of us regular people, instead of having something polished and ready for publishing.

So how the hell did he survive without a pressurized suite?

As a kid I was always told that your brain was lacking oxygen and your brain was forcing you to breathe in deep.

I see what you did there.