Big Cam


2. Ever heard of Blu-Ray?

How has this not been done before, it's brilliant.

Now playing

Watch the videos, they do. They play audio while it's underwater. You clearly didn't watch or listen to the video. Their product attaches to the phone on a molecular level and every component gets covered and is water proof, even the mic and speakers.

Sweet, I produce a lot of body heat, even just sitting around, I'm never cold. This is good news for me.

AMEN to this, worded perfectly. We can't judge because we are looking through a filtered lens of America.

How do you know he's in heaven?

Now playing

Apparenlty apple hasn't heard of Liquipel.

Got it. Thanks for the clarification, now that you mention it that advertising could have done good for others besides Microsoft, although any PC sold will have Windows on it, so it was probably a safe bet.

I will give you the caveman, it was a perfect picture.

How is saying I'm a Mac not naming names. Apple specifically calls their computers MAC's, at least they did back then.

He did state a specific area, and although New Jersey is a nice place, it's not the subject of this article.

Maybe one day, but not anytime soon. I challenge you to create and use forumlas/tables/graphs in something as simple as excel and do it with only a touchscreen. Or try writing an access database with only a touchscreen. I say 10 more years before the mouse starts going anywhere. Also the Kinect is a fun party piece

How can they cut the footage there, I wanted to see him make it for real.

They make one for both, be sure to double fact check before calling people out.

That makes me sad.

You missed my point, I agree that there is something wrong, I'm just debating who's at fault.

I agree, this isn't Apple's problem, Foxcon choose how to run it's business, Apple just phoned them one day and said we need a gazillion screens and whatnot, Foxcon said sure, we can do it for next to nothing. Apple says great. Case closed, Apple is not responsible for the Chinese law that Foxcon follows.

This made the article worth it, I laughed out loud at work.