Big Cam

The 3 phones pictured are the G1, Nexus one, adn Nexus S. THe Nexus S is still on Gingerbread, the Galaxy nexus is what is being talked about and what will have ICS, why it's not in this picture is likely because the author is comparing the previous vanilla Google phones to the newest one that is crapped up by VZW.

It is December 9th for sure, Verizon has conirmed it.

Dang, thanks for the info, I kind of understood Boost before, but now I get it.

LOL, fake promoted, hilarious.

So basically this is Sprint trying something new? Or are they leasing the use of Sprints Network? Seems like a song being sung to deaf ears.

My point exactly, I have never seen any of these posters, so my comments still stands. I have never seen anyone who isn't a Microsoft employee have one. Interpret it how you will, I'm sure the platform is nice but sales numbers don't lie, it's barely scraping the bottom of Cell phone sales.

"Well, if you're a Windows Phone owner, that is."

I still want a definite list of what phones have this.

Why would this app be incompatible with the LG Revolution running 2.3?? Weird.

For as much as I used to rag on this guy, I'm liking him more and more, Kind of late aren't I.

Haha, even better, the I am Legend thing just came to mind first.

lthough the demo is very limited, it's nice to see them trying new thigns, Android and iOS have never done something like this, at least that I know of, which obviously doesn't cover everything.

I hope I'm immune, we are all screwed.

I missed the vomit, but enjoyed natural selection working it's way around.

I was actually surprised that I haven't heard of some of these, good read.

Although not truly a tornado, that is very interesting

But obviously the woman pictured tried the procedure, there is no way that is natural.

man, there is a guy I know who I wish I could email this too, but I don't know his email. Too funny, everyone who bought into this crap.

Is the picture photoshopped or is that the real result?? I can't imagine anyone would want an ass that big, all joking aside.

OMG, even as a huge Star Wars fan, this is just retarded. Insert facepalm here.