Big Cam

I'm just hoping that since the video was likely made by Verizon they just sinstalled that stuff for different videos. (We can hope right.)

That's exactly what I've been wondering while reading these posts lately. I do appreciate the coverage though, no one else seems to be talking about this.

3 years too late.


Why would you post that image which only shows about 1/10th of the adtual MOC? I've done all the readers a favor.

Shoot, it's probably China, keeping tab's on their workers.

How did the speaker system beat out a half price Ipad for the deal of the day?

I recall an electric lamp starting a fire that burned down a house once. lamps are still legal right?


Well that was sadly misleading, all the green dots are just nuclear power plants, which IIRC are not weapons which the term "nukes" commonly refers to. lame.

Wow, is all I have to say.

I think you hold your dad on too tall of a pedestal.

I do not recall claiming to be an expert. Personal opinions ares still ok right? I asked you to trust me, feel free to not trust me, I'm fine with it.

Actually it still sounds easy, it just sounds like you get paid shit.

I was going to agree with you, but then you ended with a dick comment, thanks Dick.

ya but how many cities have AT&T 4G, like 2. Where Verizon has had over a hundred for months.

Talk about an easy job, being one of those truck drivers would be cake, lots of sitting around and waiting.

Everyone is always so surprised by this. Has everyone forgot the Stanford Prison Experiment???

The horn isn't the same color, you see what you want to see.

I wonder if they are going to stop this promotion the day before the Nexus come out.