Big Cam


Well there is a year and a half they'll never get back.

I want to drive through that so bad.

Wow, this actually makes me sad, because so many BB employees will be out of a job in the next 10 years, I mean did they even watch the Microsoft video?

I love how this post says to check out these apps, yet there are no apps in this post. (fail)

Thank God, perfect response.

that's going to be an expensive repair bill.

He earned that money, I say good for him.

I wish I could promote this, you said it all.

Yes please.

I think dollar coins are brilliant, but us American's are so closed minded that we don't want to change the way it's always been. On the flip side 5.6 billion over 30 years is only ~186 million a year, which is like a single dollar coin to the amount of money our government wastes.

Note to self: Stay out of prison.

That is just asinine.

That was incredibly informative and truthful, this needs to get presented to Congress.

Crap, I thought we had more time before skynet went live.

But if you know your going to die anyway, wouldn't you rather take a chance to add 20-30 years to your life as opposed to the few you already have? Seems like the obvious risk choice.

That's just awesome.

OMG, that makes me feel great about myself. How can people be so stupid.

The song was good. The animation style really reminded me of the Gorillaz music videos from a good ten years back or so.