Big Cam

Does Sprint not realize that by even talking about it, your admitting it, instead of telling their employees to lie and say no comment, why not have them lie and say, "What no, we are not getting it, the rumors are false"

You do have a point. As long as there is no way anyone else could possibly get hurt in the process or damage to others property, let natural selection take it's course.

Oh, that many, thank you.

I had no idea and regularly saves stuff at 11 or 12. Good to know!

Goddammit, now I want to go to space really bad, and I know it's never going to happen.

So Luke's going to be ok then?

If someone opened a porn site under my name, I'd just laugh and than scratch running for president off my bucket list.

I wonder how many 1.3 megapixel images it could hold?

I'm curious who is building the next nexus phone, is it still Sammy?

Is it bad that I find it hilarious that everyone talks about it like it's some strange substance yet he knows it smells like crap, but instead he just says it smells bad.

I see no guns.

This is going to suck for New York, I'm interested to see how this plays out. It's like the day after tomorrow tomorrow.

This is kind of scary, even for a midwesterner like me, because if New York is obliterated by a hurricane, the whole country will feel it.

Did anyone notice the tie fighter attacking the street view guy?

I crown this man the biggest tool on the internet.

They are made by Michelin and are dubbed "Tweels". There is no plans for production currently.

I've got to say, I've never really been a Steve Job's fan, but after reading all these quotes, I feel as though I may have been a little closed minded about the guy.

"These are NOT beef jerky flavored potato chips." Dammit