As a big Star Wars fan, I must agree, as a novelty it's fun, practically it's not.
As a big Star Wars fan, I must agree, as a novelty it's fun, practically it's not.
I am super curious what the state of apple will be in 2 years.
You spelled FAIL wrong, but in any case, Google can certainly be the bad guy, but in this case I don't see them that way.
I hope Giz stays on this and posts the video of the opening, I for one am curious.
This is actually a very good point. This just makes sense. If the changes are so simple then why the hell doesn't Samsung do them, I love some bit's from the iphone but I love the differences that make android, android. Why not make android even more different, so there is an actual alternative, instead of a different…
How fast can it make the Kessel run?
I find it hard to blame google here, blame the dumbass that left the data unsecured.
Don't complain when you die in a fire.
I'm sure it's standard protocol in case it needs to go get the president at any moment. Seems like a good idea to me.
There is a fine line between public safety and public knowledge.
Judging my historic evidence yes, but I do see your point, the earth doesn't have to be consistent.
Nothing against apple but I really hope Samsung wins here. Apple is way to bitchy and stuck up about this, I mean they did not invent slabs of glass.
I guess that's one good thing about living in the Geographical center of a continent. North Dakota never feels any of this.
LOL, indeed I did, simple typo on my part.
very true.
That Kenwood just looks fantastic, I wish Receivers today looked like they did back then.
You're right, in 1985 I was also surfing the internet and craigslist. (insert roll eyes image)
But they had to meet in the present first or he never would have traveled back to 1955 to meat him.