Big Brother

@boopadoo: Nic Cage is like poison to movies

@BKKKevin: Only if it is more than 3 oz

@tetracycloide: It's like System Shock without the guns, enemies, psionic powers, biological terror, ammo counting and monkeys

@ki_881: That was the greatest thing I have ever seen

@FrankieViturello: True, but we got tired of saying "scrolley-to-the-right-jump-abouts" so we earned the right to be lax in our mockery of the past

@Decad3nce: Why research when I can post a 3 sentence rant and have some internet hero come in with all the info I need?

Why does it surprise anyone that the government wants to get their hands on someone who leaked thousands of secret documents? Any government would do that. If Wikileaks wants to come across as impartial I'd love to see documents from *any other country* get leaked for a change

@Phokal: Crackdown 2 was a huge step backwards from the first one. The new developers did not understand what made the original game fun. Adding in tedious protection missions and hordes of zombies at night made the missions a chore.

@PulpZero: Yeah but PETA doesn't care about people dying

Who said it was animal meat?

I don't think the Bavarians will be happy to learn that they created Hell.

@I-Gemini-I: Yeah! At least they killed that annoying Hud guy. That's all the closure I needed.

I remember getting Man After Man when I was in 5th grade for my birthday. My mother knew me well.

@freedomweasel: Every time it was friends then family. "Hey mom! You died of dysentery!!"

@technoindigo: Yeah I hate it when people talk about stuff that was popular in the past.

Dear companies that make stuff: Stop naming your stuff in such a way that articles about said stuff can't be named in such a way that they cause grammar train wrecks in my brain.

@Hami83: Either way Orlando wins

@fahimk: I wasn't commenting on your game in particular, I come to these articles and see 1/4 the content for android compared to the iphone/ipod and most of the time none are games.

@chakasrazor: When I read the second mention I got the same meaning out of it as before except that the signal is coming from that general direction and is to widespread to pinpoint the exact location.