Big Brother

Climatic - dealing with climate

If the letters are written in blood and ripping through the pages it means they're angry :)

Awwwww that picture made me sad :( The first Fullmetal series was so dark and twisted

Don't blink!

How is that different? "light is expected from ice collisions with high-energy neutrinos" means that when a neutrino hits a particle in the ice it causes a light. Sure it's not as in-depth as your comment, but it's still correct right?

WTF Giz... Are you actively trying to piss people off even more? Words cannot convey how fucking wrong this is.

Unless they do what they usually do - throw out an unfinished pile of bugs. It certainly looks fantastic... The people don't leap into the uncanny valley and the terrain is much more interesting than a height-map slathered with rocks and identical trees. I'll buy it of course but I hope it's technically ready to go

David Tennant would be awesome no matter who he played!

Agreed, they work very well and make the controller much more comfortable! I can't use a 360 controller without one attached!

Land mines! Can also do healing land mines for nice emergency heals

Played Zangband until my eyes would bleed when I was a kid. I moved on to Dwarf Fortress a few years back but now I'm taking a break except for Dwellers on my Android phone

So how is using Tau = 2*pi getting rid of pi? Sure 2pi is used very often, so is pi. Neither is superior than the other - they are just numbers. Mathematicians don't give a rats ass about which one is "better". I would argue that introducing Tau does nothing but obfuscate proofs by introducing a new symbol where

This is definitely nitpicking but it's "women seem wicked" - plain doesn't even sound right with "seems"

@bowen13: That guy's an asshole!

@Pvt. Jackass: That video was fantastic, also it is exactly what I am like

@thetickler: Hopefully she likes you when you are angry

Does it have to have a legal status to be put into place? If it is illegal, it should probably be changed since the challenges are obvious for a birth in that region. It's just common sense to avoid a pregnancy there. This is more about the safety of the mother and child than legality. It's not just the birth and

lol, those people made their own opinions about movies that most people liked. What a bunch of douches

Dear cheat code gods, please give $3.66 in spare change!!!