Big Brother

@MifuneT: Not that I know about though I enjoyed Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. Oddly enough I liked the first one better though I've been told it diverged from the manga a great deal.

@MifuneT: Fantastic show! I was intrigued by the premise of space trash collectors but pleasantly surprised by where the story ended up going. Not gonna lie, I was in tears the last 2 episodes.

@Bubbleman! Can't change his avatar...: I purchased Fallout 2 from Good Old Games and had some issues with the color in Windows 7 pre-release so I'm not sure about the final version. On the Fallout 2 page it says XP and Vista so it's worth the try.

@AikenIdin: Perhaps the firing of synapses?

@AikenIdin: If we want to get technical, it's impossible to NOT do this since two people cannot occupy the same space. Though I suppose conjoined twins could be found guilty of infringement

@romevi04: Don't you mean "In our timeline's history?" Can't assume that alternate dimensions/timelines even *have* Starcraft 2

@n_gamer: Since when has EA not milked the Sims cash cow? 20 expansions per game and a concept that has not changed in any way since the first Sims game. Much like every sports game, EA will continue to pump these games out until people stop buying them.

@John-Hamptonshire: We should make our OWN Sim City, with hookers and blackjack.

@telepheedian: Isn't that the reason for everything they do?

@GusF: If anything give American Dad a try - infinitely funnier than Family Guy. It's hard to believe they come from the same guy since I can barely stand an episode of Family Guy anymore.

@destryer: Geez Knights of Mars, I said tune him up a little bit, he's barely alive enough to kill!

I'm surprised nobody has mentioned Dwarf Fortress since this is very similar, albeit without the homicidal, alcoholic, insanity-prone dwarves running around. If you like Minecraft and don't mind playing games like Nethack and Angband and other roguelikes, give it a try.

@StupidSimple: When seagulls were invented, trash was a pretty new thing. Most people thought it was a fad so they went with the 'sea' part instead of 'trash'

@amazingmao: That's exactly how it was the first time around.

Seriously, just doused my schipperke in flea stuff today after giving him a bath. 10 minutes later he had rolled in some dead animal in my backyard. Huzzah

@mkirkland: It's like comparing a moon with *The Moon*. Ours may be a metric system, but the alternative is *The Metric System*.


I would watch this movie