Big Brother

So aside from the collecting of Wifi data, why is it that Google gets such flak for their streetview images?

@badasscat: Oops, yeah it would be times 2.75. And I guess that's why this is such an awesome breakthrough

@Krakn3Dfx: It stagnated after the first half of the original Fable

@badasscat: I was going to try to explain the difference between something being 175% efficient and 175% more efficient but it looks like the article is making a mistake: "reducing the emissions of air-conditioning and refrigeration systems by up to 175%." You can't reduce something more than 100%.

@This is not the commentor you were looking for...: But RealID is only for people who use it. You have to add someone as a ReadID friend and they have to add you back before they see anything. If you never add anyone as a RealID friend, no harm done.

"Vengeance is mine!" quoth Alvis. Then he shot that guy right in the freakin face.

*Nexi walks up to person*

@Siderz: I used a nebulizer as a kid to help combat my asthma - saved my life many times. Nearly every asthma drug is available as an inhalation. It's the same principle. You inhale it to get it into your bloodstream faster.

Not impressed until it has a scroll wheel. I needs my scroll wheel!

@Maxjes: I think you meant Kansas City :)

Honeycrisps are the greatest fruit ever invented.

@Zing: Magnets!

Great so we pay for the opportunity to view ads now? Maybe if they didn't count against my data limit.

@JesusDeSaad: Let me try again, they usually have a single keyboard? If that's not the case then the world is far stranger than I thought.

@JesusDeSaad: Nothing was said about english, just that most people probably work in *1* language

@MichaelPalin: Need I remind you that System Shock 2 co-op was terrible? Ammo was scarce enough with just one person, dividing it between 2 or more people was insanity.

@FalconFour: depending on the machine, this might not be the only malware, trojan, other scary software installed. Sometimes if the pc has no sensitive data on it it's just easier to reinstall everything

I knew I put the receipts for all my game purchases inside the game case for a reason!

I don't mind comments, except that sometimes it takes FOREVER to load some articles.