Biff Meatpecs


I’d like to know how getting screwed over was good for you. Dive into that a little bit with details to support your claim, please.

As Trump most visibly showed - thinking you can suck up to a powerful narcissist and expect they will give two shits in return is a recipe for failure and disappointment.

all about who likes you and who doesn’t.” < this > ALL DAY. Took me forever to realize that. I mistakenly thought if your “brand” was about results and people seemed to value that, you’d get rewarded. Yea, sure decent raises and bonuses. But more often rewarded with gnarlier projects and problems all the while others

You do realize that your entire argument was refuted by the facts in the article, right? The “outperformer” (whatever that means) was laid off just like everyone else. Meritocracy falls apart the minute people become line items on a corporate accountant’s financial report.

Glass Onion really was a thinly disguised bio-pic.

All the antiwork/anti-capitalist rhetoric these days shuns such behavior but a largely ignored truth is that merit-based rewards still do exist out there for those willing to do the grind.

Now playing

The reason why most of the former Twitter employees were cheering on her firing was due to the amount of disrespect she showed with that “sleep where you work” tweet. The original saying - “Love Where You Work” - came from the heart and mind of Lucy Mosley, who was one folks in the London office. She passed away from

a largely ignored truth is that merit-based rewards still do exist out there for those willing to do the grind.

I wouldn’t criticize Crawford for her choice overextend herself for her job.

And based on that tweet, she learned nothing.  A employer that doesn’t care about your health or wellbeing doesn’t DESERVE your devotion.  They’ll kick you to the curb for your effort at the drop of a hat.

I still think “he’s very bad at his job” is the most likely answer.

Or she can be looked at as an overly ambitious and opportunistic Icarus who got too close to the Musk and paid the price for a not so good product roll out that embarrassed the delicate ego of the “greatest”leader” of all.

Now playing

Esther ended up being the Captain Needa of Twitter. Despite everything she did, there is only one price for bruising (from the bad optics of the Blue rollout) the delicate pathetic emotionally needy ego of Elmo Free Speecher and that is unemployment.

Shockingly, he’s also a racist piece of shit.

Mando season 2 was, for me, bogged down in nostalgia plays. Some worked, some didnt.

Hey, “that guy” is here!

Imagine being a writer for a popular entertainment website, and after watching the most recent episode of your favorite TV show, you open your laptop and start writing a review for the site. You spend several hours analyzing and appreciating the themes and narrative. Your review is a work of love for the series.

Here comes the hypersensitive spoilerphobia crowd complaining the writers didn’t coddle them enough this morning.

Yes, also natural selection doesn’t work in a symbiotic host pairing over the course of only two decades. Maybe 20000 years from now, Clickers won’t make noise, because a mutated version of the fungus able to change how the host works is more successful at hunting than the current version. But that’s just not going to