Biff Meatpecs

I don’t know that “hand-waved” is the right way to put it.

The lack of media literacy in the reviews and reactions to this weeks episode is staggering.

Yeah I felt crazy after I read that Polygon article. I couldn’t figure out if they had totally missed the point of the episode or I did. At least this reviewer seems to have watched the same show I did.

I’m staggered that the takeaways about this episode (from competent writers) seems to be “that’s not how fires work” versus “boy there’s a lot of subjective point of view and something is very off here.” 

Her humanitarian work will include proving the earth is flat and saving the poor African children from chemtrails.

She can go work with Ben Shapiro and make horrible movies like Gina Carano.

She cancelled herself before something she says or does gets here cancelled

I came here for exactly this type of comment. Take a star, friend.

Who wants to bet large sums that she pivots to being a “wellness”/anti-vax influencer?

Now she can wear her Maga hat without fear of losing her Disney job.

...and nothing of value was lost.

Stepping away from what seems like the obvious choice (wealth and fame) can feel scary at times, but stepping into your dharma replaces the fear with fulfillment.

She wants time off to spend with her friends:

Apart from Andor, all Disney SW shows have been awful, and apart from Rogue One, all Disney SW movies have been disasters.

You (and I mean Disney and all other corporations) will never appease fascists, trolls, theocrats, racists, and misogynists.

You know what? Even if it were pushing a woke agenda, I'd be fine with that. We have had enough machism, jingoism, chauvinism and racism in our games.

It’s because now we all have the means to share our opinions very easily. And anonymously.

It’s not just that they’re human. They’re part of an industry that is ruthlessly adherent to the dictates of profit growth (ie, to people who don’t care about the product, only the amount of personal wealth they can extract from it), which puts the people trying to work in the industry in the position of being caught

Boy, you really couldn’t wait to just stand up and out yourself as part of the problem, could you.

Are you a child? As someone who spends all their time creating shit (as well as critiquing the creative works of others), the idea that someone who has never and will never create anything that gets put out in front of people to be judged feels entitled to talk shit to people who do is ridiculous.