Biff Meatpecs

that is literally the only jump, and that isn’t even a jump.

Exactly. It’s one thing for him to manipulate crypto like his dogecoin and bitcoin tweets for the lulz, because those aren’t regulated securities. But when you’re an officer of a company and start talking shit about your stock value, it’s definitely stock manipulation.

Stock manipulation is a crime

It works, you’re just bad at reading. You haven’t had any adverse health reactions YET. Something else will probably kill you first, but on a long enough timeline, you’re almost certainly going to develop some kind of condition. and WTF are you talking about? There are mountains of evidence that gas stoves can cause

Yes, that is anecdotal”

Gonna stop you right there, chief. Unless you and your wife account for 4 people each, the proportions still work. But since it didn’t happen to you, those kids who DO have breathing problems should just piss off, right?

This is for a “Miracle Mile” scenario, where a nuke-loaded land-based ICBM is launched and someone in NORAD leaks the information to the public before it hits.

Do you really want to survive a nuclear blast?

edit: What sort of irks me with this kind of feedback is that this is the kind of cinematic you put a team of juniors on for a few weeks, and those poor folks get to see the internet tear them a new one in their first years of their career.
Hope they don’t take it to heart.

Every “Historically beloved series, but cynical or inverted” has already been done - and been done better - by The Venture Brothers.

Taxes, health insurance, lifetime judicial appointments, military policing... we do lots of things in incredibly weird (also evil, profit mongering, usually racist) ways!

Thankfully I have my own (DVD...sigh) copy of The Wall. It’s the movie I’ve watched the most as I tend to put it on for background noise then end up watching it.

Don’t forget Eric Clapton. Even Roger Waters has approached that line of senility, trying to convince Ukraine that Russia isn’t so bad.

Now playing

i think you’re short-selling the depth of creativity here.

Regulation is all I’ve ever advised. The problem is very simple: IP infringement. Full stop.
We need to legislate better IP laws that disallow dataset spiders from sourcing from non-permissive data. And then we need to prosecute those who ignore that law, in such a way as to compensate those that were infringed upon.

You don’t have to shut up. Luddites do tend to be fairly loud after all. But you are going to indeed take it just like the rest of us are or have.
And it is a bit hypocritical to treat looming automation as an issue for one field and only getting interested in when it affects you or people you empathize with. It’s

So the concern here is that people will no longer be able to monetize insipid and boring art because AI can make it for free..?

The datasets are public domain. It’s map/topology information and real world object photography (like desks, chairs, swords, appliances, vehicles, etc). One is provided by the US government, the other is provided by a university. I include disclaimers and the license is entirely permissive and free for commercial use.

You are MORE than welcome to point out ANY content I’ve EVER generated that used someone else’s uncredited work. I would LOVE to see that.

I work as a translator and I find it pretty fascinating to see AI progress. Its current output is about 85% of the quality of a what a good translator can do. What I’m really curious about is what its realistic potential is. I don’t think it can reach 100% unless it’s an actual general AI, for many reasons I could

AI isn’t going away. In fact, I suspect we’re going to see technology advance so rapidly in the next 5 years that it’ll make the internet boom look like the Jurassic period.

Why? Because we’re training the computers to do our learning for us now. Technology used to be limited by human limitations.

Computers can do it