Biff Meatpecs

After seeing that Brown spent a reported 22 hours

Thank you for this, that whole frivolous lawsuit myth is one of mcdonald’s best marketing plots in ages...

The coffee was not just “hot,” but dangerously hot. McDonald’s corporate policy was to serve it at a temperature that could cause serious burns in seconds. Mrs. Liebeck’s injuries were far from frivolous. She was wearing sweatpants that absorbed the coffee and kept it against her skin. She suffered third-degree burns

Do NOT taunt Happy Fun Ball.

Or even better, she acts like the ugly American tourist she is, and has a bad run in with the Federales.

Man, remember when the Chicks (formerly of Dixie) were completely taken down by Country Music for saying they were ashamed of the President (W Bush)?
It is almost like that might have been fake outrage motivated by partisanship rather than any real concern for disrespecting a President...

This is the America that black people have been telling us about since the start of the United States. This the America that most of America feel in their hearts but oftentimes not with their mouths.  

I lost it when they showed baby Vision.

There is a long and hideous history of nazi punk bands. Not just punks flirting with nazi imagery to be edgy. Actual fascists. See Skrewdriver. White Boss, Dentiste and half the hardcore bands from Huntingdon Beach in the early 80s for reference

gamers not understanding that publishers =/= development studios AND that development studios =/= certain people and teams drives me absolutely fkin crazy

Yep, it was going to be an “all-American Mom” replicant named Mary. They got as far as casting Stacey Nelkin in the role, but none of her scenes were filmed.

Attention internet commenters:

People just complaining.  Its pretty much just reused assets turned into a mini arcade sorta thing where you can spawn enemies to fight.  Good for leveling up when you wanted to get all the achievements in ME1 but it adds nothing to the trilogy.    Losing the multiplayer in ME3 sucks far more because it was fun

Not sure why this still needs to be said, but apparently it does: fellow white people, don’t use that word. Don’t say it in public, don’t say it in private, don’t say it to yourself. Just. Don’t. Say. It. Ever.

That’s not what I said. The person I was replying to said there’s no hope for justice in AZ. I was saying there is some hope because AZ has done some sane things recently, like voting for dems.

I don’t understand what McConnell’s end game is. He already got his conservative judiciary out of Trump. The straight line you can draw from Trump’s presidency to Taylor-Greene’s election is so short as to be a point. I can’t figure out why he doesn’t cut bait with Trump completely and support the impeachment.

Yes, let us not forget that the great happening these QAnon cultists are waiting for is the rounding up, summary trial, and execution of all Democrats.

You cannot negotiate with someone whose goal is to see you dead.

They did a new Muppet series on Disney+ this past summer. It was called Muppets Now and it wasn’t very good.

I think it’s pretty clear that Disney doesn’t really know what to do with the Muppets. Hopefully watching all five seasons of the show will put them back on the right track.