Biff Ardo

Lighten up, Francis.

It's always after the breaking point has been reached that they say "I was so hard because my expectations were higher." When Howard thought she was going to S&C he was still seething - no remorse about being too hard. It wasn't until the revelation that she was going independent that he showed a gram of remorse,

This might be "Jack's Tattoo" bad.

The Hardwick show for this, Talking Fetus, will be great!

Just for clarification: I wasn't being internet snitty - I was actually wondering what would happen if everything was settled when Jimmy was Gene.

How does Gene collect that money though?

I'm a fan of the post-coital apple, myself.

It's literally called "A is for Apple" writing.

Better than the "same people doing different things in the same way" one from a few weeks ago.

Quiet, Trashy!

Cultured Trash!

Yeah, that was my take. Internetz!

Didn't the Dawn of the Dead remake do that?

The night was moist.

I like this show, I really do. But I find it's easier to watch if I just accept it for a C+ show. That way all of the hack it is awash in isn't so bothersome.

Banana sticker?

Nailed it.

So much is not clear in this show, so much misdirection. Harry is a pig fucker, no wait he's okay. Maybe not. Chuck is a good brother. Wait maybe not. Witnessing Dad be a sheep one time and Jimmy be a juvenile thief one time doesn't show a definite pattern. They telegraph one thing, get us to believe it and then

I think the shame was part of the grift.

1750 occurrences of $8 thefts. This show? I'd watch it.