Biff Ardo

Is showing young angry Jimmy steal the eight bucks a mis-direction? Show it once and the viewer extrapolates continued theft. Damn you Gilligan and your sneaky ways!

I miss the ads for Draft Kings, if I'm being honest.

Kevin Malone could do the same.

What happened to Legos?

Nice in a relative manner anyway.

I would like you to crunch those numbers again.

Got ya. Both.

What about OFs with SoCo? Do they peeve you?

Gaffers just plug things in. Grips do all the hard work. Gaffers are the assholes.

The internet:
#1: Question
#2: Answer
#1: I know!

"good exposition"

Asshole bosses are great at faking extended anger/disappointment, quickly emoting different moods, showing those in the dog house how good they are at both of those things.

@jordanorlando:disqus I would watch either one of these shows.

Assistance requested. Please wait for an associate.

Great write-up, Donna! Thanks.

Interested in pooping all over them anyway…

Which hole?

An old bar/music venue opened in the early 70s, became a famous punk scene where The Ramones got famous. They finally lost their lease last year and I think it's a boutique now.

Anger and garbage.

Nah, you just need a hug.