Biff Ardo

Bah, no time.

"Now Hunter, let us use our inside voice as there is no place for this prolonged screaming in a public place. Hunter, how do you think punching me in the stomach makes me feel? That is it. No iPad for 8 minutes for you."

Regardless of the era, inherited biases and acceptable levels of misogyny, a betrayal is a betrayal.
It feels unforgivable, but isn't that the point of Sue's frustration? What were women's options back then?
I think the lack of polish on Frank is the point - men, dads, husbands often were simple, angry assholes.

I didn't ask to be secretary of the balloon doggies…

Yeah, everyone keeps saying a style similar to King of the Hill, but it's much more like The Critic.

Not great, but surprisingly good. It really does nail growing up in the suburbs of the 70s: angry dads, unsatisfied moms, ass kickings around every turn, nosy neighbors. Because of that show opening, I finally understand at the age of 44, why my dad was such an angry hard ass.

Snarky 'round here the past few weeks…

Unless they're a pig, dog, bimbo, gold digger, or aesthetically unpleasant.

You trust show runners? You must not watch Walking Dead then.

We will get to see Gus in the final episode this season, but it will be a first person POV and we won't know WHO it is seeing Gus. What a cliff hanger!

A nice trip to Belize.

No one is talking about this! A blood on the screen cut to black "cliffhanger" with no resolution. Pointless. Garbage.

This episode was so bad, the resolution so disappointing, that it's affecting the comments section. It's so cranky this week, I feel like I'm over at IGN.

Is there any chance that Negan was swinging at Glen, but the POV was of a dumpster, saving Glen's life?

Those guys probably have easy access to dollies.

I was thinking the same thing. I'm 25 years away from my cut-and-paste days, but it didn't take much for edges to show.

Well it was about this time I noticed that this girl scout was about 8 stories tall and was a crustacean from the protozoic era!

Which is nice.


"And why is DOOM in quotes? Is the wink implied? Please tell me why I'm a laughing stock!"
"Uh, because you signed off on the proofs?"