I was impressed with the way she handled Mueller’s lawyer. Not a fan of her music, but she seems sharp. I hope this D-bag gets what’s coming to him.
I was impressed with the way she handled Mueller’s lawyer. Not a fan of her music, but she seems sharp. I hope this D-bag gets what’s coming to him.
Nothing says back to school quite like roaming the halls with a reasonably priced rifle.
Her shitty accent for one. That and the fact that she in no way looks like she belongs in the 1860’s.
Are they making a Denis Leary biopic ‘cuz that kid looks a lot like him.
No. Just… no.
Yeah, rock should sound like a Dodge Charger not a fuckin’ Prius.
I really need to rewatch Ronin. Haven't seen it since it came out in the theater.
The RV scene is what Spielberg does best. Too bad the rest of the movie is a stinker.
I know, right? Face/Off is a ton of fun and I’ve seen it more times than most of the movies on this list. I might put it in my top ten for the year, but just out of respect for the art I’d put it at eight or nine.
She’s my movie Kryptonite. We all have one.
Any movie with Cameron Diaz is automatically disqualified from any discussions regarding “best of.” She single handedly ruined Gangs of New York and for this I will never forgive her.
Such a great movie. With the exception of Boogie Nights and Jackie Brown that may be the movie from 1997 that I've seen the most.
Well, it’s become hip to retroactively hate Matt Damon and Ben Affleck. Good Will Hunting is a damn fine movie and Robin Williams talking about his wife and all her peccadilloes gets me choked up every time I see it.
I haven’t seen it in years. I remember it being a fun heist movie with a somewhat predictable twist ending. I should dust off my DVD and give it another spin.
Awe, your gonna make me all weepy. I was going to take a wait and see position on the whole kinja thing, but I checked it out on another site and I wasn’t impressed. I hate to lose my daily online distraction. That might actually cause me to do some work during the day.
What year was the Score? That was a fun flick with a good DeNiro performance plus Brando and Ed Norton.
That's why when I do my annual list that no one cares about I say favorite rather than best.
No amount of ironic nostalgia is going to make Starship Troopers a good movie.