Or his participation in the Vietnam war.
Or his participation in the Vietnam war.
We weren’t friends and I hadn’t seen either of them in 20 years, but it makes me think about my own fragility. I don't want to end up somebody's sad facebook post.
Just found out that two guys I went to high school with died within a couple weeks of each other. They were a year younger than me. Makes me think that I need to start taking better care of myself.
I bought a monkey from him once.
You obviously haven’t been to an Avett Brothers concert or the mall lately.
But I've already made plans for that day.
Seriously… this is really depressing.
Or she might not.
Wouldn't it be easier / less expensive to shave the mustache for JL reshoots and then glue one one for MI6?
Give Glen Powell a Lantern ring!
To me it makes more sense. If you could run a billion miles an hour I don't think a cotton / poly onesie would be enough protection. Think of it like this, you don't sit on the wing of a jumbo jet, you get inside.
I sometimes see commercials for it while I'm watching Bob's Burgers.
How about The Czar of the Telestrator?
Please, for 25, just do a self-contained spy story. No more backstory. No more family history. Just give us what we want: girls, cars, baddies,
cool ass stunts and a few chuckles. Something more akin to Casino Royale please.
Say they were riding on a see saw while they were reading the aforementioned fact?
I hate Digger as well. Mostly because he feels like a plot point. The only reason she went out with him is because her mother wouldn’t approve. It didn’t paint her in a very good light. Sookie losing her shit because she’s gonna have a baby didn’t feel right to me either. It was like, oh, we need to have Sookie do…
Here’s the thing about Mormons: They are always incredibly nice, but it’s hard to get past how incredibly weird they are.
Given Chris Nolan’s past tendencies to go long, I was surprised at just how taut Dunkirk was. I think it helped add to the tension.
I like your rating system.