
When I'm late for work and I have to drive faster than the posted speed limit I like to hum the main chase theme music.

When I was but a boy I counted all the "fucks" in Midnight Run. I don't remember what the total was, but I can assure you it was a lot.

I thought you might be worried… about the security… of your shit.

I wonder how it all will end.

Agreed. Spidey shouldn’t have been shoehorned into Civil War and any appearances from Avengers in Homecoming should have been peripheral.

Not a young guy here. Maybe it's just a mid west thing…?

I think you have us confused with a Terry Pratchett Message Board.

They could jump ahead 20 years. Do one completely without humans. Have a faction of apes separate from the original clan. One that doesn’t buy into Caesar’s philosophy’s. Have an actual ape war. Andy Serkis could come back to play an adult Cornelius.

He's still writing "post-apocalyptic mid-June weekend" on his checks.

I had some light applause after The Big Sick. That too seemed weird.

Damn Son, spoilers.

"In a post-apocalyptic mid-June weekend"

Ha. You just took her to school for free.

Apologies to Texas Chain Saw Massacre fans, but Night Of The Living Dead is the greatest horror movie of all time.

Friday night I watched Apes and thought it was fantastic. I have yet to hear anyone mention the Caesar/ Moses parallel. Caesar like Moses leads his people to the Promised Land but is denied entry. The CGI is incredible. In Rise, I never really bought that Caesar shared the same space with the humans. Not the case

Three words: white turtleneck sweater

I don't like any shoe I can't run away in. Bears, man… fuckin' bears.

Do you need a ride?

Judgmental prick in 3… 2… 1.

That sounds like any supervisory position. Add goofing off on the internet to that and that's what I do every day.