Next time? 300 was released in 2007?
Next time? 300 was released in 2007?
Black Gasoline… 50 times at least.
I had a ticket for At the Drive-In. The show was in April, they broke up in March 2001.
If you think you haven't dated an idiot, chances are you've been the idiot.
Are those his jammies?
It looks like he uses a conditioner with magnolia that smooths, protects, and boosts shine.
I only get six channels so there are times when I’m forced to watch Family Feud. He starts every show by saying “I’m your man Steve Harvey” and every time I'll inexplicably say, “no Steve, no you are not.”
Ah I see. That makes sense.
What’s the difference between Drama Series and Limited Series? Specifically, in the case of Better Call Saul and Fargo? Surprised to see Real Time With Bill Maher nominated after his recent case of foot in mouth disease. Also, no love for Seth Meyers? He packs more jokes into the first 15 minutes of his show than…
I read that in my head like Kevin from The Office.
Okay, well that settles it. Kellyanne crossed out collusion so I guess we can just go about or lives and not be scared to death that we're months away from a Cormac McCarthy style apocalypse.
Eventually the rhythm will get you… tonight!
I love how people put a ceiling on how brutal Batman can be. Brake limbs, fine. Drop 'em from a fire escape, no problem. Punch baddies into a coma, yep, we can get behind that. But ya stab one guy in the shoulder and the www's loses it's damn fool mind.
The 2nd one got way too meta for my taste.
Those are two of my recent favorites. I recently watched Blade Runner for the first time in 15 years and realized that I don't care for Blade Runner all that much.
On Monday I worked out for the first time in two years: walking, sitting and standing are damn near impossible. My aches and pains have aches and pains.
My therapist always tells me you have to pretend to type before you know how to type.
Is that too much?
Things I liked: