When I wake up.
After lunch.
When I get home from work.
After supper.
before bed.
When I wake up.
After lunch.
When I get home from work.
After supper.
before bed.
Brown recluse. But I got to find 'em first. They are so… what’s the word I’m looking for?
Building a wall around Uno. A bigly wall… with a moat… and spiders.
Trump Sr. talking about Trump Jr. on Twitter yesterday makes me wonder if they’ve ever met. He talked about him like you’d talk about a casual acquaintance. “He’s a quality guy.” I also ponder if Trump has ever told his children that he loves them.
Uno can go straight to Hell!
Here’s my semiannual rant about how much I hate Cards Against Humanity. It’s a stupid game for stupid people that think quoting Family Guy makes them funny. All of a sudden I’m so fucking clever because I matched up some fucking cards. Fuck You!
Yeah, I got the point of it. I still don’t like it.
The Aunt May WTF scene at the end though… how do they deal with that going forward?
I hate the AI suit. Makes it feel less like Spider-man.
Random thought, why doesn't Tony make an AI super suit for all of the Avengers?
I was surprised by how much I liked this version of Flash. I was skeptical when I heard the casting, but it really does work.
I don’t care about hair color or ethnicity, but if they wanted to make her MJ, they should have just made her MJ. Her personality bears no resemblance to the character from the comics.
Like many of you I watched Spider-man: Homecoming. They got so many things right, but I’m having a hard time with the things they whiffed on. The best way for me to put it is that I liked Spider-man, I just didn’t like the world he inhabited. Saying anything else would get into spoiler territory.
We? Do you have a frog in your pocket?
Shouldn't that be a found Maurice Sendak book?
…heart overheating.
Yeah, but what about the poor stiffs sitting behind the lighting rig?
The only better cinematic run is Jerry Lewis in the King of Comedy.
Tell me about it, stud.
Was he doing another Bourne movie? Did I miss that announcement?
In other words, a typical night at the cinema?