Isn’t it cute that changing her name to ‘Nikki’ she feels that people are not judging her primarily for the color of her skin.
Isn’t it cute that changing her name to ‘Nikki’ she feels that people are not judging her primarily for the color of her skin.
Abd no brains. She and she alone helped him build a case against her, if he decides to sue.
I hope Cindy Silva is getting some satisfaction out of this! I know I would.
Most likely will continue to go higher and higher.
What a heartless bitch. Hope she receives her fate in spades.
Her face looks eerily more frozen or harder than usual in the primary photo leading to the author’s story.
This. He could have easily gotten rid of the note but yet he didn’t. His focus was on himself and himself only.
Correct. The onion rings are good, milkshake is fine. But in all honesty, I don’t get the hype either. Even when I get the mood, my first thought is Burger King for onion rings and I haven’t eaten Burger King for anything for over a year.
Horrible. Who knows what the child was thinking as his nearest and dearest was commiting the act.
Apparently, one of Shakira’s kids told Mommy that the mistress and her ex-mother-in-law while engaged in conversation called Shakira a witch. Whole family sounds classy.
Holy Sharpie, Batman! Andrew Tate better hope it doesn’t rain! Wouldn’t want to get my ‘hair’ wet.
I expect her couture collection to suffer the same fate.
Serious. Just because he’s male doesn’t brand him a liar. Stay classy Jezebel.
Same here. Glad he’s shedding light to this story but the indignity of the po-po returning his money short of $400. Unreal but very common.
Sounds like a prick. Feel bad for the kids but it seems better not to have this douche around 24/7.
And she looks like she needs something deep and heavy to get the nutso out of her system.
Of course he scrubbed those tattoos. But with soap and water. (You don’t really believe those tattoos were real do you?)
Regardless, his defense attorney’s statement sounded like a lot of hot air to me. Whom else would be making those searches; the six-year-old??
Oh PUH-LEZE show us how it’s done. I’ll wait (and I’m guessing==will keep on waiting— for your clever and witty retort.)
Same here. Now whenever he says anything, I immediately think, ‘still off the meds again I see.’ or ‘Kim Kardashian, you in danger, girl.’