Why should we? He referred himself publicly as a relationship guru and wrote books and even had a youtube channel discussing relationshps and such. If you’re going to point fingers, expect fingers to be pointed at YOU.
Why should we? He referred himself publicly as a relationship guru and wrote books and even had a youtube channel discussing relationshps and such. If you’re going to point fingers, expect fingers to be pointed at YOU.
100% this.
I do believe Alexandra Jane was being sarcastic in her choice of words. (Unlike Da’Nai Jackson her understanding isn’t blurred by a bonnet.)
Same! (For a roof.)
Oof. Kanye you moron, take your meds! He’s going off the deep end since his divorce from his tramp ex. Guess his upcoming alimony payment is fueling the fire.
The splendid horror that is the male midlife crisis.
This lady is garbage pure and simple. She sees all the evidence presented to her and she goes the opposite direction. On purpose. She has her own agenda people and the key words are: her own.
This will end in tears.
Glad I read most of the article. I was about to say, in what metaverse is this old man able to pose as a teen?
This moron doesn’t have HALF of the star power he thinks he has to put up such an ATTITUDE.
I remember when the Jeffrey Dahmer trial was underway years ago, the company I worked for hired a young college student coworker who would repeatedly ask me to go to lunch with her.
Trans kids won’t go to heaven but this moron will? That would be enough to convert me to Satanism.
Exactly. Theorectically, all the body cam footage doesn’t even have to be seen; just the part where she was engaged in returning police fire.
Hope she loses a pretty penny. Then maybe she can actually come up with something funny.
Entire situation is bizarre. This is a wakeup call kiddos.
Ugh. He’s claiming that he PERSONALLY believes the lady’s story but as it stands the evidence does not hold up. A little more sleuthing such as, who paid for the gas in that particular pump will shed light on who is telling the truth here. (That wasn’t too hard, was it?)
This is not a good look. Unless you were an actual Navy pilot....Desantis looks like a tool. (And I’m being nice. Those Top Gun allusions—-“Top Gov”?) Cringefest. Which pretty much summarizes Desantis to a T.
You can imagine seeing the wax coming out of Walker’s ears when he introduces his counterargument during the debate.
So he’s writing fiction? No way is it an autobiography.
The only thing the mom seems to value over her own children is money so I give a C+ to the validity of this story.