Riddle me this: Why would you go to a website whose content deals with food and drink and make a snide comment concerning an article based on that very same subject? What, your mother dropped you headfirst on the floor repeatedly as a child?
Riddle me this: Why would you go to a website whose content deals with food and drink and make a snide comment concerning an article based on that very same subject? What, your mother dropped you headfirst on the floor repeatedly as a child?
I bet he practiced making that face in front of a mirror. What a doofus.
Christ, Donald Trump acts worse than a flaky thirteen-year old. But you give the benefit of the doubt to the child because they’re thirteen and still growing. His excuse~? Well, he doesn’t have much time left on this planet.
From your post to God’s vision!
Ah the focus these female Repugs have on Hunter’s sweet, sweet balls. So angry yet anxious for a taste of the forbidden fruit, amIright?
Isn’t she cute for driving an unattended vehicle for shits and giggles!? I hope she has aching back pain for the remainder of her life.
Impression I get is Momma wasn’t impressed. Doubt she’s into Taylor’s music.
You have to be a special kind of stupid to not be aware that if you were caught taking photos with your phone at a public place-surprise, surprise-most likely, other people in that public space would have phones too.
Hope that Disney’s lawyers are egging on the company to continue with the lawsuit. DeSantis has cost Florida millions of dollars due to his sanctimonious ego and his political aspirations. ‘Florida, let them eat cake!’
He’d love to-on his terms, to save face. The way he’s been jerking Disney around—as provided at length in the article? Good luck with that!
If picking up your own kids makes you a hero per Casey DeSantis, I must be a saint since I’ve picked up my brother’s and sister’s kids too!
Found it! Life in prison for both the tik-tok star with the unkempt eyelashes as well as the mother who doesn’t have any. 🤣
Would’ve been nice to know the probability on how long the sentences would be for these criminal masterminds.
From your post to God’s ears.
Poor/rich cheap-ass Ellen. Lady flipped enough houses and she can’t provide the monies for the tarot deck? I guess it just wasn’t (slips on sunglasses) in the cards.
Can you imagine being such a meathead that you see your presidential run hitting a wall and you still want to use private planes to travel? He and his wife’s head are filled with straw.
I was thinking the same thing. I hope he/she gets sued by that stupid woman.
It’s hard to imagine, had positions been reversed—would a black woman receive the same charge?
He’s such a joke. Example you don’t have to be smart to be a politician but Grandpa took it to a whole new level. This ‘incident’ happened in your own state that you’re governing!
He has a better chance than Nikki Haley.