
-The A.V. Club

If he’s convex and she’s concave, wouldn’t that mean that they actually fit together?

Lightning: Well, you know, race cars don’t need headlights, because the track is always lit.

I’m accidentally listening to the entire episode.

You really need to see the commercial he did for Saturday Night Live for robot insurance.

And nobody is better at laughing at their own jokes than Tom and Ray.

I still sometimes recreate the old Sunday morning lineup of my local NPR station from the archives available for each show. Prairie Home Companion followed by Car Talk at 11, and This American Life at noon. Those three together still sound like weekends as a kid to me.

I never really “got” Car Talk as a kid, much to the surprise of the adults in my life. I was a little car nut from Massachusetts, after all. And my dad loved it. But this story closes a lot of loops for me.

Passing on Prairie Home Companion is just a marker of good taste.

Same reason why I hate it when “articles” on the Internet turn out to be videos.

I miss their old Market Fresh sandwiches.  Really, the only thing that’s good there is the cheese sauce.

*watching 1930s romcom* “Look at all the bullshit these people had to go through just to get a beer! Stupid fun-hating prudes, what an embarrassing time for the culture.”

Above, we see a Columbian white-faced Capuchin monkey beating the hell out of a glass panel

I would also like the “I can’t hear the dialogue mode”. Instead of turning my TV up to 60% and having my neighbors blasted by music and explosions. 

In related news, the next version of the Official Scrabble Players Dictionary is expected to require a Parental Advisory label.

The only shit poster I need is the one hanging up in my bedroom announcing the lineup for CopraFest ‘98.

“And it was between me and the actor who got it whose name I can’t remember.”

Things we need government oversight on: People commenting on the internet.

Things we don’t need government oversight on: People purchasing guns specifically designed to kill as many people as possible as quickly as possible.

Fucking way to fucking go.

The Cardinals have a sin named after them.

Actually, Robin’s extensive research conclusively demonstrated that Steve sucks