
I don’t know that I could care less about these people. Only came here to ask if anyone else saw her STRIKING resemblance to Sybil from Downton Abbey in the header image.

Every time I hear a Bernie supporter... I want to set my hair on fire. Or theirs.

Can we get this guy some kind of guilded shit-pile in recognition of that tweet? Maybe a garbage can for him to be shot into the sun in? Because holy hell...

Judging by the lead image of him, his last name, the Yale education, and his nickname, I think I have a pretty good idea of the kind of guy he is.


This will depend entirely on whether it’s ever happened to him or not. My bet? His stance is all rapes are just a big misunderstanding.

I get the feeling that being Trump's campaign manager comes with a very unique job description.

Woah woah woah, come on. Blaming her for her own assault? And somehow this makes you better than them?

I’ve been reporting for Brietbart at Trump rallies and no one ever grabbed my shoulder and everyone was very nice FWIW

Woman NHL fan here, feeling tremendously conflicted and disappointed. All I can say is that it’s only fitting that he’s on a team with Native Americans minimized into a mascot. It would only make more sense if he played for the Kings.

What am I supposed to do with all these leeches now!?

This is exactly the article I needed to read tonight. Serendipitous as hell. Anyone have advice on how to casually/low-pressure date without grabbing drinks? Im struggling with this myself.

Don’t begrudge your kiss; even Republicans can be cute.

Came here for this, was not disappoint.

That's some racist ass bullshit.

Please come to Portland and tell me that, you idiot. Can’t accept that maybe the strident casual sexism of the Bernie Bros may be off-putting. Instead, it's hysteria on the part of those naming the problem. Of course.

And on that note, I won’t be reading Gawker or Jezebel again until after Super Tuesday. Fucking Bernie Bros. Every single piece regarding the two fawns over Bernie and attempts to denigrate Hillary. What a fucking disappointment.

God damn. That's all I can say.

Outrage is what has found a foothold in the market. That's my take.

*record scratch*