*Sigh* FINE, I’ll get a fucking Ps4! Jesus!!!
*Sigh* FINE, I’ll get a fucking Ps4! Jesus!!!
Would you rather it be episodic or take 12 years to release?
Pick your poison.
This is great, I used all of the credits and gift cards I had with Amazon. Managed to get a PS4 for 120. really excited :-)
This is great, I used all of the credits and gift cards I had with Amazon. Managed to get a PS4 for 120. really…
and.... I finally jumped on the PS4 train! Thanks for the heads up. I’ve been a happy XB1 gamer since day one, but I always knew I’d get a PS4 eventually. This seems to be a good time. Remember when these things were $400, and XB1 was $500!?
and.... I finally jumped on the PS4 train! Thanks for the heads up. I’ve been a happy XB1 gamer since day one, but I…
They are both great, but I would go with “Last of Us”..... Classic!
They are both great, but I would go with “Last of Us”..... Classic!
Oh man, thanks so much guys! I’ve been waiting for the right time to purchase a PS4 and thanks to you, I was able to snag this for 289 friggin’ dollars. What a steal!!!
Oh man, thanks so much guys! I’ve been waiting for the right time to purchase a PS4 and thanks to you, I was able to…
It’s japan, why not?
Change the relationship between Ash and Pikachu if it was female?
What, was he going to fuck it?
They put in a hell of a lot of summons for it to be ONLY cloud. I mean, this is some major update. Final Fantasy update? Wow!
I just want a Cloud amiibo. If they make one, I will finally break down and start purchasing these things.
...T...Tifa’s boobs?
I don’t fucking believe it, and I saw it.
I think my brain just broke. I don’t even-
If the NX is a mobile/console hybrid, the dual screen function should be intact. I wouldn’t doubt it.
I said this a while back when they did that Zelda performance on Stephen Colbert. They even showed HD footage of Twilight Princess running Wii U. I said this and got ignored of course :P
Actually played this with my sons last month. The 6 year old said about half way through, “I don’t get why your killing these things. It seems like they just want to be left alone.” I was not prepared for him to grasp the fundamental sadness of the game.
I don’t know why that movie just didn’t do it for me. What I loved about the first Godzilla film was how smart it was, how full of commentary and restraint. Pacific Rim kind of reminded me of watching 8 year olds play with robots.