Bichon Bisou

Could be worse, the bus to Madison is nice and stops at Union Station. The Greyhound terminal is scary as fuck.

If you like courtroom dramas you'll love it. If not, you may be disappointed.

I watched the first three, and unless you have nothing else going on with your TV viewing, I say, don't bother. It's OK, but meh.

Joe Miller tried and found innocent. #broadchurch

Someone else must have asked this before now, but in case not, here it is. If the clones have sex with each other, is it incest, or mutual masturbation?

Why isn't anyone stating the obvious? Jenn did it.

I disagree. It was fucking perfect for that horrible, horrible bitch of a character. I hoped for that exact scene, and I got it. That was the one thing they got right.

Russell Edgington was the best. THE BEST. It was all downhill after the "then we'll eat YOUR CHILDREN" moment.

I wish people could handle their heroin and still work, like Philip Seymour Hoffman. Oh wait…

I tried to watch this movie, but stopped at some point because I was bored. That being said, I think Michael Pitt is one of those actors toiling in roles that are beneath him, he deserves better. He was great in Funny Games.

If it's German potato salad it most certainly did something to someone. Mainly me, by making me want to vomit.

I hate everyone and everything involved with this Kickstarter. I think I even hate potato salad now.

Genre tags are annoying. I always strip them out. Did I just make you eye twitch a little?

This needs to be a weekly event. Or perhaps bi-monthly. I know Bonney is busy sending out her care packages and may not have the time.

BTW, that post office employee was a total C U Next Tuesday. This whole story reminds me why I hate the USPS.

Your mom is precious, and a national treasure.

I can't see the word Medellín without thinking of Entourage, and failed vanity projects. That show has destroyed my soul.

replied to the wrong comments

Sorry, I was speaking of book Joffrey, not show Joffrey.