
“Mr. Williams, you have been a participant in the biggest interdimensional crossrip since the Tunguska blast of 1909!”

Maybe he had enlisted after college, went through Army OCS, held the rank of lieutenant and was shot by his own troops in Vietnam.

My head is spinning.

Seems like Hotz reduced himself to this when he praised Musk’s illegal “hardcore or fired” nonsense and offered to work for three months for no pay.

Also particularly stupid of them to pick an analogy to a sport that literally has judges.

When I saw the OG team I cried. Squirtle with the shades had me captivated, but Butterfree broke me. I am 100% not ashamed at this, as it’s not the first time Butterfree has had me crying.

And you know, I thought this was like the one site I’d be able to visit today to not spoil myself, because I don’t think I’ve EVER seen them cover the Pokemon anime. I’ve been looking forward to this for over a year.

Yeah, and guess what dipshit? It’s the one TV show I watch. People get upset about Marvel spoilers. Do you make fun of them for it? Or any movie or show? What if you were really looking forward to the Breaking Bad finale in 2013 and someone spoiled it?

WOW you huge asshole. I’ve been watch the sub all season and was saving this for tonight, so despit io9 not covering almost ANY Pokemon stuff, espeially not the anime, you spoil right there in the title. Congratulations, you huge piece of shit.

we would also accept Bill Maher and Adam Corolla falling into comas

Rob Liefeld simulator.

Bite your tongue.

A) you make me feel really old when you call Urusei Yatsura “Obscure”.

Interesting that the “spontaneity” of the many, many movies Sean Bean has died in was the result of stunt coordinators making sure everything looked good and everyone was safe

Especially in these very expensive shows where every scene is carefully scripted, blocked and managed.

I find it concerning that more older actors are seeking spontaneity and dismissing Intimacy Coordinators outright. You’re on a set, shooting a scene, which could result in millions of revenue lost for each time their ‘spontaneity’ doesn’t result in making ‘the scene they’re being paid to shoot.’

Awesome that I’m finding this out through Gizmodo rather than through Ring themselves.  Not a knock against you guys, of course, but toward Ring.  

Optimus Ride sounds like a shelfwarmer if ever I’v heard one.

Up next: <insert celebrity> gets covid from lalapolooza

I think they looked at the offer and said, “Yeah, we’ll let you hang yourself.”