
Imagine walking down the street, finding a butt plug in the grass and just jamming it up your ass.

The Yaris was on the brakes for 3-4 seconds before the Land Rover hit it. The Land Rover driver wasn’t remotely paying attention to anything going on around them. It’s 100% their fault, not 85%.

I don’t know if I want to spend anything to see any Sony releases, even digitally. I have no desire to steal the theatrical movie going experience for absolutely anyone. If that’s your jam, fine. If even COVID can’t stop you, whatever.

I would check to see if the organizer box it made of food grade plastic before using it for such a purpose. These boxes can be pretty cheap, so I assume the manufacturers use the cheapest plastic they can get away with, and that plastic would probably not be food safe.

I always thought it was funny how the first one involved an Ark that melted Nazis, the second basically in racist levels of everything but also witchcraft and voodoo - among other things. Then the third takes on an even more religiously heavy narrative with the holy grail.

if Lowtax had been more incompetent, SA would never have made it to the point needed for the many infinitely cooler and more creative people who built amazing things out of its bones.

From John Sayles film Silver City, about a thinly-veiled version of GWB43:

This doesn’t leave Sting much time to get in shape. 

This man went bankrupt with a CASINO!

On the other hand, at least we’ll know this digital venture will work.

“Look, I scrambled because the God’s honest truth is that I don’t really care that staying in bed with Chappelle is a losing deal, and that my company did better investing in talents like Burnham and Gadsby, I keep giving this guy tens of millions of dollars to descend into middle-aged hackitude via his transphobic

“Well, IGN says the latest Call of Duty sequel is 10 out 10 and has a little bit of fun for everyone, any critic that disagrees is clearly not doing their job right”
-A lot of fucking idiots

I wish AMP would just go away (and maybe take WebP with it). I work for a news organization, and our site is AMP-enabled. It’s sad to spend hours building a story into a presentation with graphics, images, and interactive elements that looks great on desktop and mobile, but is stripped down to nothing but pictures and

I hate living in Texas, but I can’t fucking wait to vote in the midterms. There’s a clear aim to drive people like me out of the state and haha! Jokes on you, dickheads! I’m going to vote, my wife is going to vote, we’re going to breed and raise wonderful, empathetic caring Texans who are gonna see right thorough your

Moonfall, which also stars Michael Peña

So it’s Seveneves but bad? Lol.

Fine, I’ll be that guy in comparison to the other comments

If you are the person controlling a company’s twitter account you are in fact its mouthpiece via Twitter.

If you’re the person running the twitter account, you ARE the person acting acting as the mouthpiece for the organization.

Crazy that I have to pay over 3x the standard price for the original dubs, but (opens wallet)