
The general statement was "TB covered it! See? See?"

Chunks of them EXPLICITLY identify as the version of Bane from Dark Knight Rises. You'll see "The Fire Rises" as a hashtag relatively often.

And, wrapping this back around, Simone got accused of helping to orchestrate a DDoS attack on a gaming site as an anti-GG maneuver, AFTER deliberately trying to build bridges to gamers (as one herself).

I'm pretty sure that crapping on Gail Simone is some REAL bad karma right there.

FWIW, he IS a pretty good actor - as the Spouse notes, yeah, he's typecast, but with that body-type producers are going to put him in Jayne/Linderman/That Guy In ID4 roles regardless of what sort of performance he's capable of.

You have to put all the connections between all the apps together yourself.

LONG before that, kiddo. Look up the Marathon wiki sometime, which also draws in work from Pathways into Darkness.

Same with me - this was the second TMBG show in a row for me where I came out ranting and raving about the opening act. (And this time, I was almost more enthused about them than I was by TMBG's (really, really good) set.)

I'm with you - that BA-DA-DA-DA-DAAA thing was … brrrr. I don't think it needs a Matrix-esque score.

I wouldn't put it quite like so reductively, but yes - her score is part of what made the first one. We don't need the new hotness to replace the old hotness.

Although getting a collaboration between the three of them for the third film if it actually happens… (pleasepleaseplease)

As noted below, the Liberal Media is only as liberal as its corporate masters allow, and not always even that much.

I believe that's "Paul 'I Sure Wish I Was Mark Knopfler' McCartney".

(I kid - it's overwrought, but it's big-ass-end-credits music. Sounds good to me.)

It's building up and I'm getting a little impatient, so I skip ahead several minutes into it ('cause prog), and let it play again and HOLY SHIT JON ANDERSON YEP THAT'S YES ALRIGHT.

I can't NOT give that one a high-five.

Wasn't there a commercial spinoff after the license dropped that used the same ruleset, but with non-franchise-identity cards?

"If anything, the tone in her videos is a lot more calm and measured than a lot of the stuff you'll find in the more...polemical scholarly writings."

The Spouse's parents are both compsci doctorates who've dabbled in AI. They've got … OPINIONS about how some of Chomsky's language processing papers have dealt with

"I've spoken to several developers who have outright said that Sarkeesian's videos have made them rethink some of their past work and their approach to how they create things."

I've always loved the "oh… HUH. WOW. So THAT'S what I was doing" moment when I realize where a particular element I put in came from, or see

Know your audience. Know your audience. Know your audience.

And remember that your audience is likelier wider than that.

And own it if you fail. Bad carpenters blame their tools, bad comedians blame their audiences. And call them tools.

And THAT is why I'm not a comedian.

I think there's a little too much riding on this for them to do something stupid like that - I wager that it would "simply" be uncomfortable and ham-handed on their part.

Mind you, if you're nervous, ain't my neck. Keep safe as you see fit.

If you do, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let us know, because I'm DYIN' to know what "his side of the story" is. 'Cause I'm bettin' that it's a GREAT story.