
There is no fucking way this is not a photoshop...

And yet here you are, whining some more, demonstrating disinterest through mewling. I'm sorry that you are so embarrassed by what you wrote that someone noticing it causes you such dread. Maybe don't post such shitty things?

LOL, i just spit sandwich out!

omg I read that as “3rd grade porno” and wondered what kind of fucked up elementary school you went to.

How in the fuckity fuck is it 2015 and some ingenious asshole hasn’t created a fake vagina specifically for this with sensors and doodads that ring a loud noise and say things out loud like “That isn’t the vagina, wrong hole moron.”

I hope the plaintiffs never have to work a day in their lives again. This is shit out of a 3rd rate porno.

God.... Tap Titans. The only game I ever had to uninstall because I felt it was going to be a problem, if it hadn’t already become one. I played WoW for about 6 years too.

Stupid question: Any prizes for finding that wrench?

True confession time: I love Modest Mouse so fucking much that Isaac Brock is pretty much the only musician I'd go full-on groupie for. YES I know he's a weirdo and NO I do not care.

What fresh new form of internet autism is this?

they do, its called race creator

PC will push the limit even further.

Why can’t Ronin get 6 sequels?

Hmmm, she would make a good transformed She Hulk if Marvel ever wants to do a live action adaptation, no CGI needed. Well, maybe to make her appear taller, but all she needs is Gomora's green makeup and she's good to go.

"Denmark, Dude"

If you have a PS4 you can just use the dedicated "share" button. The default setting is, you hold the share button and it takes a screen shot, you hit the share button twice it starts recording, and if you hit it once and you can save the last 15 minutes as a video.

Most of the time yes, because Ive found that all the good stuff happens when I'm not recording lol. Go figure. However with PS4, the share feature is always on so I always have that ready to go which saves me the hassle.

I guess they didn't leave much budget for the wheels.