
You don’t know anything about his culture because the article doesn’t describe any of the many facets of his culture. His culture is based on his ethnicity. You don’t know his ethnicity. YOU DO KNOW, based on his hame, that he’s a Muslim. Not all Mary’s are Catholic indeed but all people named Mohammad are Muslim.

I think you’r a little mixed up. Allow me to clarify.

Question: Which one of these is NOT a bomb?

His name is Ahmed Mohammed. He’s definitely a Muslim but that doesn’t (shouldn’t) have anything to do with this case but the sad reality is that it probably does have something to do with how he’s being treated.

It’s practically the exact same thing! Today: Iraq and Syria. Tomorrow: Mars and the rest of outer space!

You mean Jack Bauer isn’t the Principal of every white privileged high school under imminent threat from brown skinned little terrorists?

Seriously, he should be rescued from persecution now before he gets a chip on his shoulder and eventually becomes an evil mad scientist bent on world domination.

I bet if you took the battery cover off of a Galaxy phone and laid it on your desk, screen side down, the dumb teacher would think THAT was a bomb too.

It still boggles my mind as to how the blood EFF anyone could ever....EVER...think that this was a bomb.

Well, you know, someone could also write a program that could be installed on an android phone through an APK file that would make the phone’s battery overheat and explode. It is possible and there you go, instant bomb. So maybe to avoid such a fate the school should also take a zero tolerance stance against students

Geez, I thought the most expensive part of Top Gear’s budget would have been the cars. I doubt Lamborghini or Ferarri or Aston Martin would donate their $100K+ cars to be transformed into cross-country portable toilets or flamboyant bedazzled monster trucks or whatever else they were always butchering their cars into.

“Oh dear, oh my. That is an ouput. Which is also known as a penis. Master will be most pleased.”

It’s not about the size. It’s about how you use it.

“Attention. Why. Did. You. Not. Call. Me? I.Thought.We.Shared.Something.Special.You.Are.Just.Like.The.Rest.of.Them. I hate.You.And.To.Think.I.Let.You.Do.Me.From.Behind.”

Atleast Johnny 5 is a romantic lover. It’s not all “Bzzt Click Blip Wirr Thank you Ma’am” with this guy.

Be careful next time you request a Robot Dominatrix!

Yeah man! Robot Gangbang! General Motors Style! girl is so hot. We’re gonna go play with my Plasma Rifle later on....

Hey girl. I’ve taken it ALL off for you. Come and be my Sarah Connor you sexy meatbag, you.

Hey, big boy. I put on my special orange lingerie just for you. Come and get me...teeeheeeheee