
Could have been worse, I suppose. It could have read “No Fun, No TV, Ho Donky”

Maybe they should have had a map, a phone....and a compass.

Cue the Army of the Cosby Trolls, like a legion of minions from the Lord of The Rings led by Evil Witch Whoopi fucking Goldberg and Commander of Crap Raven Simone. You still think that this do bob shabop wizop pudding pop sucking rapist is innocent? I got two words for you: Fuck you. 35 Women just exposed their

You must be one of the people that got nabbed by TSA and had his confiscated stuff pasted all over Instagram.

Who in their mind would think that THIS is A-OK to bring on a flight:

Museums and Archaeologists have a long paper trail for the stuff they ship. I’m guessing this guy was thinking about turning a buck on the black market.

Apparently Solid Snake never leaves home without his peashooter...

I’m OK with this redesign but Holy Hell, when did Chuck Taylors cost $60-75?? Last time I bought a pair was in the 90s and I understand that there might be some inflation or what not but $60??? for a cheap canvas sneaker?? don’t say?

Well, remember be in ye olden days when Paris Hilton (there’s a name you haven’t heard from in years) tried to trademark “That’s hot.”?

Maybe this is some kind of pay it forward/human centipede hybrid shit. Hold on, lemme finish (pun intended). Kanye, a black man, stole Taylor Swift’s (C3PO posing as a white girl) moment. Taylor is now stealing Minaj’s moment (a black woman).Maybe the only way this could resolve itself is if Minaj steal’s a white

So wait, the so-called “impact team” has a problem with a $19 dollar “paid delete option” which they must have tried in order to have a problem with this option....which means, they’re hackers and Ashley Madison users.

This is the exact same response I had when I saw Jared Leto as the Joker in the Suicide Squad trailer.

I can’t wait until this idiot’s 15 minutes of fame are over. She’s not funny, she’s not entertaining. The only reason people give a crap about her is because she makes sex her shtick.

Geez those corners look sharp enough to use as a weapon.

Project 8 on PS3 looks better than this and that game came out well after the PS3’s launch.

Kinda lame to see The Warehouse in yet another THPS game. The HD demo/remake/thing from a couple of years ago pretty much covered that level. We don’t need to see it again.

Wait, what? Is one of those characters named “Hattori Hanzo”? As in the sword guy?

Why does this girl’s gun have a colostomy bag?

R.I.P. Mr. Iwata.