
I wonder if it's a matter of degree. Could it be possible that Norwegian women - and men worldwide, for that matter - are talking about times when someone asked them on a date and they weren't interested, whereas American women are talking about "If you didn't want to blow me then why the FUCK were you SMILING at me,

Ladies I'll go on record when I say:

NOT TRUE. After 20 years in Paris, I assure you that many adults cannot get errands done and it is a major topic with parents, for example. So many of us have to work til 8 pm, at least, then grocery stores are mostly closed. Try and get everything in your life done on a Saturday, dragging kids around! But wait, no

You've done a really good job holding your own here. It makes me sad to see you say that the next time, you won't even bother talking about your feelings, experiences, and reactions with trauma because of all the vitriol that was thrown your way after you spoke your truth, but I understand. I imagine that other abuse

Right, but we're talking about people who haven't grown up with their bio-parents or siblings. If the 50% statistic is even slightly accurate, that's still a hell of a lot of people who are grappling with these kinds of disturbing feelings. Millions upon millions of people.

This has been said a lot here already, but you're incredibly brave for writing this and your writing is superb.

Forget it, he's full of MRA evopsych bullshit. There's nothing you can do. He'll figure it out in about 20 years.

Oh, shove your evobullshit up your ass.

Well, if only a woman's worth and atractiveness weren't linked with her ability to have babies...

Oh my god I have eaten balut. I was in high school, on a religious retreat that was required to get confirmed in the church (catholic). On the first night, we has to do trust exercises with a partner in which we were led around the room blindfolded while our partner spoon fed us stuff. The lady running the retreat was

It is awesome that she's freely acknowledging it and I wish more people would. But I always feel uncomfortable whenever anyone becomes atheist just because a loved one dies. There is great injustice, suffering, and death in the world at all times—always has been, always will be. So for someone to just suddenly say,

She wouldn't! Would she? Oh my god, yes, she would.

My whole life, this woman has done one "edgy" thing after another. She seems to me to want so desperately to be important and not just famous but I think she lacks an essential selflessness* to achieve the kind of importance she wants.

Oh god, I just had s horrible thought. You don't think she made all those mistakes on purpose to try to seem "young," do you? Because that would just be so so sad :/

I just snorted at the thought of that album.

Leelah Alcorn was totally a rebel heart. Tweeting a meme of that to Madge NOW.

There is so much here to be offended by. I think I'll start by being offended that she lumped Princess Di in with MLK. And afterwards I'll go ahead and be offended that she lumped Princess Di in with Bob Marley. I don't know if any of y'all heard Princess Di's reggae album but her cover of "Buffalo Soldier" was

These people are all Rebel Hearts in one way or another from Martin Luther King to Jesus to Nelson Mandela to John Lennon. YES! Lets celebrate them!

I'll actually be celebrating a one year anniversary of my big day of quit on the 13th of this wasn't a job I quit though. I was in a very toxic and emotionally abusive marriage for 19 years, which fueled my hereditary alcoholism....making me pretty damn miserable to the point of going to sleep at night

what i find particularly tragic, in a whole long line of tragic things, is how sweet and upbeat and helpful her reddit account is. she was there helping people going through the same things she was, and instead of being bitter that folks were further along/more accepted in their transitions, she just gave constructive