She used to be at least amusing, now she just seems a bit dim.
She used to be at least amusing, now she just seems a bit dim.
Aren’t you a delight.
Right! This douche, I guess is cool with the racist ideology! Burn em all!
Sister I will lend my hancock for that.
Thank you!
Nah, cops can shot black mothers in the foyer of their homes while looking for suspects. But heaven forbid we act a fool while in the midst of tragedy.
McScuse me bitch?! Sorry I have always wanted to say that, enraged!My apologies.
GTFO bday goals!!!!
Are you nuts? Someone referring to me as a nigger is racist enough that I am pretty sure it is a racial thing. Please tell me I read your comment wrong? Seriously?
Yoko is the kind of crazy i can get behind. She is totally a thing.