Bianca Castafiore

Hugh Grant had an interesting tweet. He noted how the Sun had replaced all their articles that bullied Miss Flack and replaced them with links to suicide help type websites. Abominable hypocrisy at its finest

They should be allowed to say mean things. They shouldn’t be allowed to make shit up, which they do. Every. Single. Day. I thought i was already very cynical about the tabloid press, but then a friend worked for one. The stories she told me were mind boggling. It was standard to just make up a quote, get someone in

You’re putting an awful lot of weight on three letters that are basically just a standard shorthand (perhaps even AV Club mandated style) for “has died.”

I really want to give James Marsden a big hug, because with the exception of Westworld, he’s made some truly baffling career decisions for an actor who’s always so likeable.

He was very nice about the Van Gogh question. You obviously can’t hear it on the page, but his tone was more “let me go off on this thing for a minute” than “you’re a moron and I’m mad you asked me this.”

Especially when one of those words is ‘emancipation’.

They didn’t want people getting this film confused with The Contrabulous Fabtraption of Professor Horatio Hufnagel.

For the record, Our President’s mother may have been an American citizen when he was born, but she was born in another country (Scotland) and grew up speaking a language other than English (Gaelic).

While I generally feel narrative ambiguity gives the viewer more credit, the number of movies about whether this metaphysical experience is real or mental illness now far outweigh the ones where the resolution is concrete.

Me: “Rose Byrne is very attractive and vivacious. No one could ever make me think otherwise.”

I’m going to use this as an opportunity to mention The Things , which is Peter Watts short story of The Thing , told from the POV of the alien ..its really quite good.

Neal Stephenson’s Snow Crash, for one. It may not be the oldest, but it’s one of the most widely known and influential.

Wonder Woman was excellent...right up until the end when it turned into a 90s game cutscene.  Had they nailed the landing, that movie would have been perfect.  I’m hopeful WW84 does better.

When I watched Captain Marvel in cinemas, I thought it was a solid buddy-action flick. I didn’t think I’d remember it well, especially after the bigger comic-book events of the year, but I find myself remembering the film better than almost any of the other comic-book films of the year. (Same feeling for Shazam,

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Honestly never noticed him slipping. Then again, until Charlie Hunnam starting phoning it in in the later seasons of SoA, I never noticed his Aussie accent either——and pretty much everybody else says they noticed it the entire series, lol.

If I’m ever fortunate enough to meet Jon Stewart, the first thing I’m going to say is “GET ME SMOOCHY!” 

Oh, Tongue of the Fatman is absolute garbage as a game. It controls terribly and it has a poor fighting roster. But there’s a weird, memorable insanity on display to its proceedings, I’ll give it that.

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It really is.
I’m also partial to “WHEELS ARE TURNING!!!”
and, “Don’t make the same mistake I did. Keep your dignity intact. MY BALLS! They’re on FIRE!”
And this meltdown is one for the ages:

/cheer /cheer to the glories of Elite, Prince of Persia, and Battle Chess. I unfortunately didn’t play Elite at the time of its initial release. My equivalent for that was the Steve Jackson inspired Autoduel from Origin Systems in 1985. And I tended to play more 688 Attack Sub than F/A-18 Interceptor back in the day.

Is that anything like speed holes?